

— Roanoke Report User
Women 6 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Really disappointed to learn that it’s bad.
Playing the odds .. 11 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
For sure, knowing how to treat water is essential. And hunting/ knowing how to make weapons. And being able to identify edible plants/fungi/insects.
Scamming children into reading 3 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
A coworker of mine described this sort of thing as, “the house always wins.” Yeah, $120 can’t buy the value of the kid reading that much. Win.
Playing the odds .. 11 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Living in a rural area, I don’t have to make a machete. I can just choose one from the shed. Not everyone is so far removed from a survival situation.
Actually mind blowing 6 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Yeeeeesssssss. Google two girls one cup…
Women smh 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Lol. Play your cards right and it could be 18.
Women smh 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
There are ways to unsubscribe or at least reduce the subscription. Get a hormonal IUD… that’s a 5 year unsubscribe for most women. There’s a shot and a ring and a couple other options that’s reduce or cancel.
Talk to your doctor ladies. You don’t have to keep getting all that mail.
Kids these days just want to be 1993 Jeff Gordon 2 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Omg. I haven’t thought of that man I’m at least a decade.
He could save others.... 134 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
@xvarnah , I think ‘the other side is more quick to call my side evil’ is a matter of perspective too. Because, I am certainly more liberal leaning and in my experience the other side is more quick to call people who think like me evil hedonists.
Which of us is right? Quite simply, we both are. Lefties are more likely to slander the righties and righties are more likely to slander the lefties. I don’t hear the lefties talking trash as often as I hear the righties because they aren’t saying it to me. At least that’s what I assume because I have no grounds to invalidate the experience of anyone else.
The best we can do for each other is try to understand one another, try to understand where the other comes from and not perpetuate the behavior we are insulted/hurt/angered/annoyed by.
Lord Vaximus 4 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Considering the phizer vaccine needs to be stored at -25 to -15 C (-15 to 5 F) I’d say that vaccine was seriously degraded by the end of that story.
Gradient Limbs 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
So, you can get waterproof/touch proof body paint. A couple years ago, I did this. I painted my face and neck and arms white and my hands and part of my wrists black. As well as a too wide mouth with sun sited teeth and a long black wig. I had white-out contacts and red around my eyes. It was super creepy and I was the jump scare at the exit of the haunted house. It was lovely and terrifying. The black hands really are extra creepy
He could save others.... 134 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I think that the real story. The spectrum goes both ways. There’s ridiculous radical left and ridiculous radical right. There’s moderates on both sides. There’s folks that lean one way or another but don’t want to deal with the crap from the others on that side and folks that lean one way or the other and wish they had the courage to dish out the crap. And there’s evil people on both sides. But generally, even if you think the people on the opposite side stand for something evil, that’s not the case. They firmly believe that they are doing /upholding what is Best for the people. Everyone is just trying to do their best—we all have different ideas about what that is.
Who do you choose 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I can’t make this decision
Dramatically sweep things off the table 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
You gotta make your own opportunities.
Anti Vaxxers be like: 12 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
According to Johns Hopkins the mortality rate in the US is 1.8%, and 2.3% in the UK.
Most countries report at least 1.5% with some as high as 9%.
So, ah, yeah… I think it is okay to say 2%.
Showing restaurant staff my new recipe for buns #2 4 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Those look amazing
The best kind of flight attendant 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
It was pretty awful. I’ve been flying since before o remember so I’m not squeamish. It was a bad flight.
The best kind of flight attendant 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I once had a really rough flight. There was so much turbulence that they couldn’t give us any drinks or anything. And the nervous tension on the plane was like a physical thing. As we were rolling up to the gate, the pool it did his spiel about the local weather and time. Finally, he wrapped it up and settled at the gate and said, “now get the hell off my plane.”
The entire cabin, who was fully desperate to do just that, started laughing.
Froggo Fun #518 - Frog Offers You Coin. Do You Accept? 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I’m not going to take his only coin!
They’re disgusting 23 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Indeed. Very interesting conversation. Thanks for sharing all the research.
“Paint me like one of your French girls” 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Chicken, duh- right? You’re picking chicken... Right?? 11 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Top Ramen. Don’t even come at me with Maruchan.
· Edited 3 years ago
Puppy Cat 4 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
That cat is having a panic attack.
Big oof 4 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I’m not saying she made a good decision. I’m not suggesting she was forced. But she was an intern and was manipulated by someone with a lot more power, wisdom and prestige than herself.
He’s the one that cheated on his wife and she couldn’t show her face in public. She was so much younger than him and he took advantage.
Too late to be relevant? 12 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Well, I’m glad. But like @famousone, I want to actively ignore her.