

— Roanoke Report User
Flesh good 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I wonder why this post had to turn into an argument instead of something that just made a person feel warm and fuzzy all th way down to their darkest spines?
Why critical thinking is important. 7 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Sorry to be off topic… @guest_ it is good to see your post. I’m glad to see you around. :)
Union of Soviet Starving Republicans 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Yeah. There are some sources that suggest red will make you feel hungry.
January was a trial month... cancelling the subscription may be a wiser option 2 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Chinese/Lunar New Year is Feb 1 this year…
She said "yes" <3 18 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Best wishes!
Potatoes! 4 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
My first thought was b*tch, as in does Marselis Wallace look like one. But then I remembered!
I mean, if your in to freaky sh*t I'm not gonna kink shame. 2 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Though why you’d want to date someone who had already made it so clear that the person you are has little to do with their interest his beyond me.
Had some fun in the forests today. 15 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Yes! We have a place where we’ve been building sort of semi permanent camp. It’s a perfect spot near the top of a rise, overlooking a lake, surrounded by Laurel (evergreen). In the summer it has blueberries. Enough nearby trees for hammocks but not so many to prevent a good fire pit. It’s a lot of fun, and enough of a hike to be away from the world but not so far that you can’t make a day trip.
Had some fun in the forests today. 15 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Looks beautiful there.
I love the woods. And whenever I try to decide which woods I love best, i see some other woods and remember I just love them all.
Had some fun in the forests today. 15 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
In what part of the world do you live?
Seriously! What's wrong with them? 12 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I used to have a pocket watch on a carabiner. It has a compass too. I really liked it.
Little man is chuffed 5 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I like it all, except the proximity of the litter box to the food/water. … I can’t stop thinking it.
You can't have your cake 11 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Pretty sure RuntimeErr0r is one of my former coworkers. He used to give me a lot shit for the time I said that thing about burning bridges…
Becoming whoever would have saved you 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I would wake every day with an unimaginable peace if I thought for any minute I was able to save any single person from that which I needed saved from but wasn’t. …
By age 35 you should 4 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
It’s that savings number that’s the most difficult to hit.
The superior siege engine 4 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
But FS was willing to accept, “this is fries.”
The superior siege engine 4 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
This is true.
Stupid modern gender norms 23 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
The pink thing relates to baby colors. In the 19th century, pink (a light red) was considered too strong for girls and thus a boy color. Blue was reserved for girls. At some point in the 21st century (or maybe late 20th) the preferred colors were swapped.
I personally don’t have any notions about what colors signify anything other than preference. Just adding a bit a color history since I would guess that is the reference this is making.
Two weeks to slow the spread 13 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Same difference.
Cursed image of the day. 6 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I think about the delicious wasp ghosts every time I eat figs.
Lie-on 7 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
He’s a beaut.
Vunter-Vatherer 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I think gathering, in this context, comes from the phrase “hunting and gathering.” This is used to describe groups that don’t use agriculture to procure food. So, a a group of people may be described as hunter-gatherers.
Priorities are really more like guidelines than actually giving a f*ck 45 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I didn’t do any research on the case to be outraged by the laws etc. In this context, I’m mostly outraged by the phrase “non-consensual sex”