

— Roanoke Report User
Reality is fractal! Subvert convention! 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Something something wholesome 4 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Now I want a glowing cat.
10 steps 2 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
These are great tips. I’ve been feeling a lot better since I really committed to doing all of them each day.
Wearing a mask outside while riding a motorcycle without a helmet 11 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I feel like we can agree on this one.
Is a meme. Pls remain calm 2 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
That title tho! Lol.
Pan-crabs 6 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Now I want pancakes. Or crab cakes. It’s hard to be sure which. …
World War IV Will Be Fought With Predictive Text Games 57 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Omg. Please that’s just a fantasy.
I was there [CDs and VHS] 2 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
It’s like that time my younger coworker asked, “how do you record a mix tape?”
You need this 3 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I do need this.
World War IV Will Be Fought With Predictive Text Games 57 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
No. We don’t. Smh.
World War IV Will Be Fought With Predictive Text Games 57 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
But at least have no doubt about the enemy.
World War IV Will Be Fought With Predictive Text Games 57 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought without the enemy and they have no doubt about the enemy.
Report your neighbors for all suspected wrongthoughts 7 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Right. In Texas there are even websites where you can anonymously report your neighbors for things like a suspicious miscarriage.
Report your neighbors for all suspected wrongthoughts 7 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Oh. I thought this was about Texas.
Fluffly Wiggly Poof 14 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I love how much he flattens out at the end!!
Being gifted can have its drawbacks 12 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
You make a good point. To further compound it, a lot of gifted students have other issues/concerns/challenges that more typical kids don’t have. So there’s and interesting juxtaposition between learning aptitude and other skills.
Being gifted can have its drawbacks 12 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago · Edited 2 years ago
Fit for fight 14 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I’m on it for the good sleep.
Don't want to get anything caught in a machine 2 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I’ll bet it was really comfortable. Like, way better than whatever weird injury these ladies were incurring on their un-shelled breasts.
Lysistrata 26 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Just want to point out that kids are (generally) decidedly not stupid; they are inexperienced. The distinction is big.
My knowledge of serial killers. This collection is complete - you can help by expanding it 16 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Yeah. His story is wild too. At some point he built a bar/venue on the property —so there were all kinds of wild parties with hundreds of people going on.
One of his victims managed to stab him and escape with several knife wounds in her gut. They apparently ended up at the same hospital, but some how no one really looked into her claims.
He had a lady friend that lived with him for a while. She would help him pick up women—help convince them it was safe to go back to his place.
It got to where the local sex workers wouldn’t go with him anymore because so many of their coworkers went missing that they instituted a system to keep track of one another. They kind of knew that it was him.
My knowledge of serial killers. This collection is complete - you can help by expanding it 16 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
How about a more recent one:
Willy Pickton. Murdered and butchered 49 women at his family pig farm in Vancouver, Canada. He butchered them like the livestock. There is some evidence that he incorporated some of his victims into the “pork” that his farm distributed. It is confirmed that he brought bones and hair to the rendering plant (gelatin for foods and cosmetics). He targeted sex workers. Was convicted in 2007.
When you don't have a grill 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Good photography secret, right there. Many a time I used a sharpie to fix grill marks add color. A couple good sharpies were part of my of my kit when I was food-styling.
I am goat 5 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Nah y’all. They ain’t got the sense to stop eating the trying that made them miserably ill. You don’t reeeaaalllllly want to goat.
Ceiling cat is watching us? 4 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Yeeeeesssss. Studies show that cats think of a long blink as a smile. I tested this with my cat and was truly delighted when she purred after my long blink. <3 <3