

— Roanoke Report User
You either keep religion out of politics or you pay taxes 17 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
The guy (Greg Locke) this report is about is awful and has been all over the news, local and National. He’s part of a small church, but he’s not trying to help. He’s purposefully breeding fear and hate. He’s hosting book burnings and calling people witches.
You either keep religion out of politics or you pay taxes 17 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Also, the guy they’re talking about, Greg Locke, has been all over the news lately for all sorts of insanity —in addition to stating that democrats can’t be Christians, he’s hosted book burning events and called out people as witches. And then there’s the tax thing.
Quack! 9 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Oh, men bleed on things. The bleeding just has different medical implications. …
Chaotic neutral 6 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
At the private school I went to, we had a stupid dress code. Girls were not allowed to wear pants. Only skirts or shorts (which I thought was especially weird.). So, one day one of my buddies and decided to swap pants and skirt. It was a good time.
Kasparov is said to burn 4000 calories per day just thinking about chess 6 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Not to mention the variety of blisters and abrasions involved. Nor the costs associated with many of these activities.
Damnit! 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Oh God. Feel this every step of the way. Got a big step up just before this last hike. Now I’m in the same place I was before. Glad my standard isn’t regressing but… I would like to get ahead.
Narf 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I want this.
You better not be talking shit about my fax machine 3 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
“First, look at the whole piece. It was a thing for the Times magazine's 100th anniversary, written as if by someone looking back from 2098, so the point was to be fun and provocative, not to engage in careful forecasting; I mean, there are lines in there about St. Petersburg having more skyscrapers than New York, which was not a prediction, just a thought-provoker.
But the main point is that I don't claim any special expertise in technology -- I almost never make technological forecasts, and the only reason there was stuff like that in the 98 piece was because the assignment required that I do that sort of thing. The issues about Bitcoin, however, are not technological! Everyone agrees that it's technically very sweet. But does it work as money? That's a very different kind of question.
And the fact that people are throwing around my 98 quote actually shows that they don't get this point -- that they're confusing technology with monetary economics.”
You better not be talking shit about my fax machine 3 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Apparently this (out of context) quote has been enjoying a revival because he made some commentary about bitcoins long term viability as currency. Krugman’s response to this quote be bandied about:
You May not Like It... 4 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I did this for Halloween one year. I used waterproof stage makeup. Black hands and wrists feathered into white everywhere else. And whiteout contacts. People refused to make eye contact with me.
It's literally two cases 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
It’s thought that “mind your Ps and Qs” comes from a similar source. (The lowercase letters look much like one another when you’re looking at the mirror image.)
Talk nerdy to me 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Incidentally, you’ll notice that there isn’t a great amount of Organic Cheese. You’ll often see cheese that specifies that the cows haven’t been treated with hormones and antibiotics —but much less commonly “organic.” To be labeled organic, the product must be free of gmos. Organic cheese is made using the stomach acid of cows (usually calves). Most cheese made today uses a bacterial rennet, which is genetically modified.
So, this augmented bacterial rennet, saves animal lives, but can’t be organic.
Talk nerdy to me 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
More of this, please.
Oh noes .. 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Smol brian 15 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Yeah. I don’t have public sewer. I literally have to deal with the shit. (Though for a single family home, a septic system is pretty low maintenance).
That said, I really appreciate the roads and schools, police and other emergency services, public health facilities and even the public services that provide assistance to single parents or people who need assistance.
As a member of a community, a society, I enjoy being a part of it and doing my part to support it.
entitled 6 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I think the second guy was mistaken, she wasn’t approaching him—she was approaching someone else to avoid him.
Remember 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I worked with a woman who was on Flight 93. She was on a business trip. The company set up a scholarship in her name.
The Domestication of Animals, 13 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
One of the things that keeps rabbit of American tables is the way it’s handled by the USDA. You can’t sell meat that isn’t USDA/FDA approved. But also, Rabbit doesn’t trigger a mandatory inspection—so it’s elective which means you have to pay for USDA inspection (whereas cows and chickens etc are inspected as part of requirement) and wait for a time when an inspector is available. On the other side of that, because it’s an elective inspection you can (through great pains) get your facility USDA approved and then apply for and FDA approval. This makes the product commercially viable because it isn’t a mandatory inspection item. It’s convoluted and tedious. And rabbits aren’t like chickens—baby rabbits won’t survive if their mama doesn’t care for them and she won’t if she is stressed.
Soggy bacon brain 11 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
No I want tapioca.
You're doing well 2 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Endless pizza will do that for you.
We can all agree on this 3 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
As well as which hand I’m holding the phone with. You can’t cover/shade the light sensor or you’re screen will get too dim.
A big *** you to anybody that says "with my mouth" 3 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Why do I have to select one?
smart 1 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I am intrigued by the notion that option 2 is easier.
Maybe it's all just numbers in a database somewhere? 11 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
A couple months ago, I charged a large purchase to my credit card, which put me at my limit. Despite the fact that paid that balance within the week I charged it, my score dropped 17 points.