

— Roanoke Report User
Americans do this?? 4 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
It’s shameful, but true.
If you know you know 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Just tell him that you use the first to fingers a lot more and the nails broke off.
Vampires don't sparkle 4 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
There is some speculation that people afflicted with porphyria are, in part, where the myth of vampires come from. Porphyria, a blood disorder, when untreated can cause some of the features we associate with the old vampires—thin lips with exposed teeth, thin or no hair, sunken eyes, curled hands… and a sensitivity to sunlight that causes blistering and a burning sensation.
Mouth of leatherback sea turtle 5 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Wow! It’s horrifying!
What will those inventive vegans come up with next? 4 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Soooo… I don’t want to take away from how ridiculous the “plant-based mashed potatoes “ packaging is… but typically, mashed potatoes do involve cows in that they include butter and milk/cream or sour cream…
based 8 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
@guest_ I wish I could like that last one twice.
PSA 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
And remember, there are a lot of scammers out there. Don’t give out your personal info and don’t make any payments to receive the forgiveness. Get your info from a [dot]gov site. They won’t call or text you about the forgiveness either.
Cool 16 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I’ve seen it a few times here in TN.
Scariness 0 5 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Ekonaor is not too bad. I image you have to do some fancy trick with your tongue to make ‘aor’ sound.
I’ve been to almost all of them 13 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Yeah. I definitely feel privileged to be able to say I’ve seen so many of the sights.
As you say, a lot of these spots are not short trips for most of the country. There were a handful of things just in DC. But no mention of the space museum in AL (biggest space museum in the world), or the great Smoky Mountains in TN (one of the most biodiverse regions in the US), or Mammoth Cave in KY (longest known cave system in the world)… those are just things I know of because I live in within a long weekend of enjoying. Everything on the posted list is at least 7 hours of driving from where I live. And, I’m sure there are many places in the US where the same could be said. However, there are amazing and important things that are much closer. So really the metric is sort of meaningless.
I’ve been to almost all of them 13 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I’ve visited 18.
Choose your path 9 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Alright guys. 30-something is not that old. There’s still plenty of time to meet the love of your life, to have your own kids or realize you’ve got some interesting kinks. You don’t have to start making your end of life plans yet. You won’t even be able to retire for another 30 years.
Do you partake? 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I like the implication that there are no bones.
No wonder they could jailbreak it 14 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
No. It means that farmers will be able to repair their own equipment. It means the won’t loose valuable work time waiting for repairs that may not be able to be performed locally and be able to save money by doing the work themselves. They can keep parts and diagnostic tools on hand and make repairs or perform maintenance in the field if needed.
This actually exists 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Better keep that out of reach of children.
Jegglo shots *slurp* 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Oh no!
“Marshmallows” ain’t a bad name tbh 31 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Loch Ness is beautiful 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
When I was young, I always thought the Bermuda Triangle was a big concern. But my sense of my location on the world was pretty bad. So then one day, I realized that I lived right on the edge of the triangle and I was like, ‘oh. I guess it’s not really a big deal.’
*puts the octopus back in the aquarium* 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
That title got me laughing.
I don't feel ok right now 3 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
I gained such an aversion to saying “I’m okay” because, when I was young, I realized that was the only answer people wanted you to give —true or not.
These days, I’ll say almost anything else.
Hope there’s someone for you to talk to @karlboll
Body odour is a social construct 10 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
People thought the smell was a problem and came up with perfumes and layers and special washes to deal with it. At first deodorant, as we know it, was a failure. Marketing made it happen.
Same with toothpaste. Yes, people cleaned their teeth, but not with toothpaste. The list goes on at great length.
I know people hate to think they are influenced by marketing, but we are.
But WHY does it be like that sometimes? 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
Acknowledging limitations and impairments is not bringing us down. It’s lifting us up. Don’t be so quick to trash your fellow man. You might find you’re the one that needs the crutches one day. And you’ll appreciate that you’ve been given the opportunity to do your best work while figuring out how to navigate with those crutches.
But WHY does it be like that sometimes? 8 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
And part of moving forward is figuring out and acknowledging those impairments. No one in the original message suggested that they weren’t working and getting their jobs done respectably. You have to understand your barriers so you can know what sort of crutches you need.
Hearing messages like the one presented can be really meaningful for people who struggle with that issue and haven’t pin-pointed it.
Brace yourselves 9 comments
roanoke · 2 years ago
More like cereal. They haven’t released soylent green yet, but you can get it caffeinated.