

— Roanoke Report User
Behold! 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Yes please!
Here b4 incel accusations 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
You make a good point. Making fun of others, whether they can change it or not is hurtful. So, the feature they are making fun of is generally not relevant. The person is trying to be hurtful, and maybe they make fun of a man’s height, but if he’s not short—they are probably going to find something else to make fun of.
Maybe it just feels different when you feel like the butt of a joke, but I find it distasteful when people are mean in regard to features of another person whether they can help it or not. I don’t think it’s okay to make short jokes or fat jokes.
And, weight is not always something that can be readily changed. There are a lot of factors involved. Aside from mental health concerns, there are plenty of conditions that make it difficult to loose weight. Yeah. Some people are just lazy and eat too much. But a lot of people have much more nuanced situations.
gowniaki 6 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I thought “toddler” was a slur…
Not just me then 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Brain no wut 2 do 6 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
See! It’s working!
Brain no wut 2 do 6 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Well, could your luck be worse?
Brain no wut 2 do 6 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
For luck, of course!
True 8 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I like that he said “thanks.”
Safety moment 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
This is why there is a beeping sound.
Rough guide 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I currently have two cats with weird petting acceptance. One cat, does not like for you to pet his head. He like under the chin, over his back and specifically like to have his chest/belly pet. It’s so weird.
The other cat specifically wants you to pet her entire face. Like, start at her nose and just cover her whole face. She will divert your hand if you don’t start there. She also allows foot rubbing.
Remember to add this to your Re-Su-Me 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Calculated specifications, purchased appropriate equipment and successfully implemented new equipment. The equipment was deployed on time and within budget. The illumination provided increased productivity by 65% or more and has improved overall safety. No lost time incidents have been associated with the new installation.
Memes can be whatever I want 7 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
^True story. I stopped watching/listening news (any news) a couple decades ago and I couldn’t be happier. It’s all sensationalist propaganda.
It's an evil world we live in 10 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
If you don’t chronically over-draw many banks and credit unions will refund the fee “this one time” if you call them and ask nicely. If you’ve overdrawn a bunch all at once, and gathered several fees over the course of a short time period, if you call they may be willing to collapse it to one fee (or drop it). These fees are automated, so no one is watching to see if they just charged you $130 for $10 in purchases.
A small local bank or credit union are more likely to do this, or even help you manage funds in other ways.
If you have incurred a fee (for anything) that is insurmountable, call or visit and ask for help.
I’m not sure about banks, but I know a lot of credit unions are in the process of reworking fee structures to eliminate overdraft fees entirely.
I’m very proud of myself 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Me too. I guess it’s satire?
I’m very proud of myself 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
This isn’t an example of a meme made without mematic, but there are others.
1 · Edited 1 year ago
If you can tip e-girls, then you can also tip landlords. They love you more than any 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
You know it’s a good point when an upvote can’t get it out of the red. :)
Good luck 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
If only it looked that tasty.
Steve Irwin and a big Croc tattoo 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
All hail Steve. <3
But but .. 5 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
No, it does not imply consent. I’m sure the frogs hate it. But the rangers practically begged us to do it.
But but .. 5 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I mean, they practically told us to do it.
Not as horrible as it appears 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
More time than I like to admit.
This’ll be fun 16 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Do I represent the lost people or am I the reason they were lost?
I'll start: "I knew I shouldn't have finished that fast 9 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Oh wow. I laughed at that a lot more that I’m comfortable with.
End of the world again 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I grew up in MA and I remember waiting at the bus stop in snow up to the top of my boots in negative temps. It was just normal. The buses ran, things didn’t close down until it was physically impossible to pass.
Then I moved to FL. And we didn’t get snow, but hurricanes and tropical storms. I remember driving in a tropical storm and thinking it was a lot like driving in a snow storm. When there is a couple inches of standing water on on the sun baked roads, it feels a lot like driving on ice.
End of the world again 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Eh. Depends on what part of the country. I know here in TN (south eastern US) that certainly applies. We don’t get a lot of snow. But, I know in The NE, it doesn’t apply. People are ready for it and know what to do. I imagine other parts of the north are like that too.