

— Roanoke Report User
You don't always have to draw lines 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Many people don’t realize that have eaten horse…
Not that people don’t eat horse intentionally, but every decade or so there’s some scandal about horse meat mixed in with the ground beef.
And this is why I think of horses every time I hear Salisbury steak. … my brother once had an extreme anaphylactic episode after eating SalisburySteak at a restaurant. We always assumed it was some preservative in the sauce. About a decade later, he has a similar reaction to some kinda “beef” sandwich. They test him for allergies. He’s allergic to horses and dust mites. And it was right about that time that the horse meat in the meatballs scandal broke…
While redoing my floors, I decided to play a pank on the next owners who do renos 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Would have been more effective to use a dark brown paint. Blood wouldn’t stay so bright red
Observation 18 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Yep. I wasted a lot of years not realizing this. It’s very true. Same goes for your health. Take the time you need to recover.
Which one are y'all picking? 6 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
But does the cat love you??
So selfish 10 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
That was so thorough! You’ve made me smile.
No 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I love this campaign.
Look at the gaping abyss 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
That doesn’t look like an accident.
White elephant 5 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Together we would expand our territory!
Mediocre abilities 4 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
That was my exact thought!
So selfish 10 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
They could eat mushrooms…
3deep 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
It’s not so much that they wake and scream. It’s more that they scream all damn day and night and you notice it in the morning.
*jesus approves* 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
If only I could be so lucky.
Without government, who would fine you for being neighbourly? 13 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I think it happens very frequently where you see that people in dire need do not know how to access available resources. Sometimes they don’t have the mental capacity; sometimes they don’t realize there’s help, sometimes they don’t know where to start.
There is a lot missing from this story, but it’s still tragic and entirely too common.
Can confirm 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
It’s okay though, because there are still fewer idiots. :)
My father’s 6th attempt to outsmart his geriatric cat into taking her bp meds 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I really love that this solution involves power tools and not kitchen implements.
The best thing is that I don't know if this is a shitpost or not 5 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Or a Spoon Trend!!?
About right 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
We have an above ground pool. This time of year, there is usually a couple inches of water and a bunch of leaves from the fall. We have some nearby neighbors that raise bees.
This week I was scooping out the dead leaves (while the water level was low) and the pool was just full of bees. So many bees!! They were sweet. They didn’t bother me while I scooped leaves. They just wanted a drink from the shallow water. I like it when the bees come visit.
Whew, almost had to deal with the consequences of my own actions there 18 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Martha’s Vineyard is not a sanctuary city, and they didn’t claim to be. They don’t have the infrastructure to be a sanctuary city.
They did, however, pass sanctuary laws—which are not the same as being a sanctuary city.
I know it seems like splitting hairs, but legal language is very specific and often confusing when put into a colloquial context.
Uh oh 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Oh my. That is terrifying. I didn’t realize the danger.
Those sleeper 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
This got me relapsing. I gotta go find a mattress.
Whew, almost had to deal with the consequences of my own actions there 18 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
It’s fair to note that they weren’t “kicked off” the island. They were brought to the nearest location that could accommodate the people, comfortably, while getting them to the places they needed to be. Many of these people had to be in other parts of the country to get their papers sorted.
Hang in there 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
It’s okay everyone; that skillet is pretty well seasoned—it won’t be too bad.
save 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I love that.
Holistic practices 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Right, but clearly we are beyond that.
Powerful kitty 4 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I’ll take that cat.
In the summer of 2020, I had the opportunity to foster 5 not yet weened kittens. It was the first time in my adulthood I was home all day to feed and change litter every 2-4 hours. It was a much bigger bite than I realized. But I loved every one of my babies. Anyway, the runt of the litter was an absolute murderess. She weighed 4 oz. the first time she brought a mouse home.
We kept her. And she’s still a murderess. If you thwart her, she will find something else to murder.