Maybe it's about time I put something here... HI MOM!
I love games, movies, series, anime and everything inbetween. Currently a Game Design student.
Mimimi 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah man, I love always teetering on the edge of being underweight.
And dubbed, trust me. See you Space Cowboy 17 comments
Ice cream with no cone 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Shells, depending on what species you're talking about, could be bones also. Like turtles. Turtle shell is bone.
That's my face while I was uploading this 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Oppy had an expected lifespan of 90 ish days and lived for 15 years. Idk why we're sad, that shit was amazing.
Toxic 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Also, it's common to have two poles in a routine. The left one is a static pole while the right one can turn around it's own axis. It shows because she does grip moves on the right pole, but she's still turning.
Toxic 7 comments
· 6 years ago
It's part strength, but most part technique. I can vouch, I do poledancing myself and my strength levels aren't to write home about, but I still manage.
Tomorrow is a new day 14 comments
· 6 years ago
I have this thing where I just keep reminding myself that a future me is currently shouting at me that everything will be fine. Present me has done that to past me more than once before, so what are the chances of me being wrong?
She is kinda special 9 comments
Technically he is right 3 comments