i drink an embarrassingly large amount of diet coke and i'm often a complete idiot. Please keep that in mind if i put my foot in my mouth.— saltlakesnark Report User
Trolling hurts 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Not the leading cause of the sex trade industry, or worlds oldest prefession. The would be prostitution. And prostitution is not the same as the sex trade industry, although im sure there is some overlap.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
This is actually completly inaccurate. There have been lawsuits because sanitation companies and coal mines refused to hire women who were quilified and physically able. In the past 10 years there's been a huge influx of women being hired in ALL these fields because women DO want to work these jobs, and are no longer being prohibited from being hired. Get your facts straight and do your research before assuming that everything posted on tumblr is truth.
Edited 10 years ago
Real nerds need to know this 19 comments
Your Daily Webcomic #10: Always Bacon 6 comments
Genetic diseases are failures 10 comments
· 10 years ago
This is exactly true. Many genetic diseases that kill people now, were our genes way of keeping us alive long enough to procreate. Diabetes is actually an example of this. Higher sugar in the blood makes it harder for blood to form crystals when exposed to extreme temperatures. Which meant that people with higher blood glucose levels could survive better In cold climates, and made northern migration into europe possible. "Survival of the Sickest" is a great book on this exact topic.
No BS Mythology. My friend found this. 20 comments
George Orwell was right 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Same! I feel it's a much more realistic dystopian/extremest society. Especially with it's critique that excess can chain the mind and body, without a big brother needing to exert force.
Global freaking warming 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Climate change. Global warming upsets the flow of ocean currents, resulting in more extreme weather, as well as changes in regular weather patterns, that happen faster than climate change over the past thousands and millions of years. For some areas, the weather changes to be warmer and warmer. For others, the result is colder and colder.
Dem feels... 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I still have my favorite childhood toys, now I play with them with my daughters.
Tall girl problem 25 comments
· 10 years ago
Im pretty sure she means that boys shorter than 5'11 won't date her, because she's taller than them. Thats why the hashtag is #tallgirlproblems, not #tallgirlstandards.
+1 point for the ex boyfriend 13 comments
· 10 years ago
She did deserve it. But he also stooped to her level. She started it, but both showed a complete lack of maturity, Both chose to destroy themselves and another person.
+1 point for the ex boyfriend 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Neither one of these people are mature enough to be in a relationship.
Something that the media does not show 17 comments
Twins 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Im an identical twin. It's really funny to see peoples reactions to both of us when they only know one of us. My older daughter was constantly confused when she was little. Then decided she just had two moms and called us both mom.
Real talk 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Leaving an abusive relationship is hard and dangerous. A lot of abusers escalate when their partner tries to leave. Victims stay because of fear, shame, isolation, no access to money or other needed resources, and because they fear what the abuser will do to any children without having the partner there to protect them.
After i left my ex-husband, he stalked and harrased both myself and my family. He also put one of my children in the ER because of neglect.
Edited 10 years ago
After i left my ex-husband, he stalked and harrased both myself and my family. He also put one of my children in the ER because of neglect.
Titled best as man's best friend 9 comments
eye see you 5 comments
· 10 years ago
If you have a fake eye, and don't routinely use it to freak people out, I'm dissapointed in you.
For the knife lovers, I present you, my creditcard knife 19 comments
· 10 years ago
THANK YOU! I now know what im getting my brother in laws for Christmas.
Dad photos 6 comments
Come on! 46 comments
· 10 years ago
The coffee was hot enough that it caused burns down to her muscle tissue and she needed skin grafts. The point of suing was to get mcdonalds to not keep their coffee at such a high temperature. Once of the reasons the injured womans family won the lawsuit, was because there were thousands of past complaints about injuries of other customers that mcdonalds had ignored. So they knew they had a problem, but didnt do anything about it, which means it wasnt an unfortunate accident. It was neglegence.
(Edited because i can not spell.)
Edited 10 years ago
(Edited because i can not spell.)
Cool journalist is cool 7 comments
This should be an example for every brand 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Your right, a catalog is meant to showcase what the company/store has for sale. But if thats all that matters to customers, they companies would only need pictures of the clothing on a mannequin. What's at here is marketing. They're attempting to not just sell you clothing, but also a lifestyle, a message and emotion. It's feel-good marketing meant to ensure repeat buisness.
You can buy a sweater from hundreds of different retailers. People want to give money to companies they feel represents their ideals, they want to buy from companies who are "good". Retailers spend huge amounts of money on their companies image to gain customers favor. The fact that people are talking about this specific picture in Nordstroms magazine means theirmarketing and PR teams are doing a great job.
You can buy a sweater from hundreds of different retailers. People want to give money to companies they feel represents their ideals, they want to buy from companies who are "good". Retailers spend huge amounts of money on their companies image to gain customers favor. The fact that people are talking about this specific picture in Nordstroms magazine means theirmarketing and PR teams are doing a great job.