

— Sammie Report User
Choir Fights 16 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
It's almost like watching the violins, cellos, and basses gang up on the violas. Haha, silly violas.
Us dollar redesigned to honor science not presidents 35 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
Not really. He is one of the biggest influences on the founding of American government, with the constitution and all that jazz. I can understand why the exception was made there.
Us dollar redesigned to honor science not presidents 35 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
I like our presidents better. I mean those are colorful and cool looking, but it's an honor to the presidents that really made a difference.
Just add a dash of tumblr. 4 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
It's an artistic hoe, guest. Can't you tell?
I want this edition 17 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
Strange, seeing as I have these copies in English, sitting in my bedroom. In America. Thou art not special, Italian Harry Potter.
Fandoms name the colours. 25 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
Why can nobody properly spell Gryffindor!?!?!? I'm not even in that damn house and I'm offended. Filthy muggles.....
3 · Edited 9 years ago
Neiled it! 17 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
At the same time, I don't think it's all the school systems fault. Not all of the kids are focused only on grades. There are those that like learning. Which is a good set up for college, because most people aren't going to pick a degree they loathe if they're paying for it. They'll want to be there and learning, not just making the grade.
the power of boobs 5 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
Oh! Oh! That's Pyrne! I learned about her in my Great Trials class when we were leaning about Athenian Law!
Silly movies 14 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
It makes me wonder how Twilight got away with using Google.
future plannings 21 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
They should absolutely name their first child Naruto.
Italy doesn't trust anyone, not even themselves 18 comments
sammiek · 9 years ago
I like how France is only on there once because of Britain.
The meaningful lyrics bring a tear to my eye :') 21 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
It's ironic because my favorite song at the moment is I'm Not Afraid.
A classy ride 7 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
The pegs are wrong for a cello. Cellos have the same pegs as a violin or viola. Only a bass has pegs like that
Living in the Bible-belt here 12 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
It's not that it isn't true, such as the Old Testament. It's just that the New Testament gives us a new set of laws to live by. Not exactly more lenient, but different. My pastor calls them the "Laws of Love."
And that's why I love flynn 11 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
Nooo. What's his face from Enchanted questioned this years before Tangled was even released.
Really elsa? 23 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
That's kind of how Disney movies work, really. I call it 'The Productivity Song'. Simba grew up and stopped giving any fucks, China's army was trained in the course of one song, Elsa builds a bad-ass castle, and so on and so forth.
Who wore it better? 3 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
It's close, but that is one sexy phone.
We are now dating 12 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
To what?
First word of the year 13 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
My first sentence is usually "shut the fuck up already" because I'm alone and just want to sleep and these DAMN FIREWORKS HAVE BEEN GOING SINCE FIVE
Cabbage 41 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
Ah yes. The beautiful and inspiring cabbage!
After graduation 5 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
Can't be. He isn't naked or on Dean's car.
Happiness 90 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
is that we are no better than them. We are no better than the adulterers. We're no better than the thieves. We're no better than the murderers. We're just as bad as them. The only difference between us is that we've asked God to forgive us. To attempt to guide us down a better path.
We're sinners. That's all there is to it. But you can't lump us all into the category of rude, uncaring bigots.
Happiness 90 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
I also agree with guestt. You are being rather hypocritical. I assume guestt is a Christian, and I myself am one if you haven't guessed. You've been very adamant in your claims against us. Really, I don't mind. I enjoy the debate. I like being able to need to work for my answers because it helps me prepare to witness to others. But we're not bigots, at least, not in the way I think you mean the term. For example, I don't hate gays for being gay. I have gay friends. I don't necessarily support the lifestyle, but I love them all the same. Yes, Christianity tells us not to judge. But of course we do. I judge this boy in my university classes because he's obnoxious. The point is, we're not supposed to, but we do. It's a sin. And it's unfortunately a rather hard sin to stop. We attempt to live up to our standards, but the whole point is that we can't. We can't be perfect. We can't fulfill every law that Christ wants us too. Try as we might. The entire point behind the religion
Happiness 90 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
believe that Earth sat on the back of a large animal. Hebrews 11:3 says that “Creation made of invisible elements”. Most would assume that this referred to atoms. Old science was rather ignorant on the subject. Levitius 17:11 “Blood is the source of life and health”. Old medical sciences drew blood from sick people, believing this would suck out the disease. Leaches, for example, were used quite often. Light moves. Air has weight. These are all addressed in the Bible.
Anyways, I wanted to comment on your reply to guestt.
“Only in countries where Christians are the minority, which is irrelevant here.”
In terms of being killed, yes. I suppose that's true. But not completely. In America, many Christians are ostracized for their faith. Because people believe they are outdated in their beliefs. That they're uneducated and stupid for believing in a God. We get a bad rep from people like the Westboro Church, but we're not all like that, I promise.
· Edited 10 years ago
Happiness 90 comments
sammiek · 10 years ago
Anyways, the book is 2000-3000 years old. Most scholars agree that Matthew, the beginning of the new testament, was written in 60 A.D. Compared to today, that's already just under 2000 years. But Old Testament books would have to be older. Isaiah, for example, began his ministry in about 740 B.C. The book is estimated to be written in 680 B.C. At the latest. The Torah (first five books) would have all been authored by Moses. Granted, we don't know the exact date, but it was believe to be around 1445 B.C. At the latest. It's an old book. You can't deny that. Well, you can I guess, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an old book.
Other examples. Bear in mind that these do not refer to modern science. These really old verses and books are pointing out modern science, where beginning science was wrong. Jeremiah 33:22 states there are an incalculable number of stars. Old science said that there were only 1100 stars. Job 26:7 states “free float of Earth in Space”. Old science