

— savialeigh Report User
Hella good intro 2 comments
savialeigh · 10 years ago
If I were the teacher, you'd get extra credit for the draft.
Why we all hate Umbridge 11 comments
savialeigh · 10 years ago
No one ever comments on her actual name. Is that because it's so obvious or because umbrage isn't commonly used? Either way, like so many things hiding in plain site in the Potter realm, she is aptly named.
What youtube's loading icon should be 8 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
I found that hypnotic. If this were youtube's load marker, I might actually be disappointed when the video came on. And it appears to recede infinitely, double magic.
And I thought my room mate was always an idiot 14 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Or you could just keep them in the special egg crate containers they come in...
How to get the girl 16 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Sweetie, if 'love' requires 'pretty', it ain't love. Honest love makes even the least attractive face beautiful to the lover.
What do you all think? 80 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
In a way, yes. Kids are more spoiled, because there is more opportunity to spoil them. 100 years ago, kids worked as soon as they possibly could, and the pittance they earned was necessary to keep the family going. Today, kids have a massive amount of leisure time, even when you add in the crazy amount of homework they get from school.
They aren't any more rude than previous generations, though. They may speak their minds more openly, but they aren't saying anything that previous generations didn't snark out from the sides of their mouths.
They aren't any more nosy either. People have always been judgmental jerks, scandal has always been popular.
And no, they aren't any more annoying than previous generations either.
Being a snotty little brat is part of the process of becoming a decent human being. Most people succeed. Some stay shits forever.
Really majestic cat 14 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
What the heck is on your ceiling that made the cat climb the walls to get near it?
I don't even drive! 20 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
That was the joke. A simple, understated reference to the fallopian appearance of the graphic. Amazing that it inspired such a venomous reply.
Sing it 32 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
I "love" that the movies make hundreds of millions of dollars and the animators make $30k a year if they're lucky.
I don't even drive! 20 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
I was positive I was going to find ovarian humor in the comments. Highly Disappointed.
Putin the joker 12 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Now, whenever I see a cat's ass, I'll think of Putin.
Welcome to the Internet... 5 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
This should be the first thing to appear on every new screen.
"whats so great about them?" 15 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Is that Sweets as a kid? There can't be two expressions like that.
Right in half 16 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Right there with you. I'm praying there was a deep scratch or a crack.
Colourful streak in sky 8 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Sky Dragon, for sure. And seeing this, it's very easy to see how dragons made it into our mythology. Imagine seeing that in your sky 5000 years ago. While we understand far more about science and nature than our ancestors did, we still know so little. Imagine not even having modern information and seeing that... Awesome - in the original sense of the word.
I think a bit of my soul just died 17 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
and if you only translate matata from Swahili to English, it's "vicious". If it's hakuna matata, (not vicious), no worries!
Drunk photoshopping 8 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Creepy. Immediately followed by hilarious.
Running out of idea 10 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Wearing a belt made from the hide of your ex.
America... 25 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Love that comment: nah bro its literally only you that does it different...
So, what? America is the only non-conformist country on the planet?
Checking off things from the bucket list 4 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
The best part of this is the faces of the people in the background.
Weird thoughts 9 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
You're okay as long as neither parent replies with "That's okay, so have I."
2 · Edited 11 years ago
"equality" 34 comments
savialeigh · 11 years ago
Equality means you are not "better" than any one else, nor is anyone else "better" than you. There are no inferior/superior people, just people who need to push others down so that they themselves can feel superior.