This Can Easily Brighten Anyone's Day 3 comments
· 8 years ago
I cannot wait to do that this Friday
Please 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Exactly! It was brought back 2 times, right? And it left on a good note. The last episode made me sad but happy. It was a wonderful series and it should stay that way! That's why everyone loves it so much.
HELL TO THE YES 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Probably. Depends on how they portrayed the roles, but everyone deserves a chance.
Summary of my school career 2 comments
I have about 6 months to decide what I want to study and do for the rest of my life... 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Or, if the thought of college terrifies you, then take a year off. Go travel if you can, or just work, but apply to go to college the following fall. I think that year off can help a lot of people who are super unsure and you won't waste money in the process. Also, think about trade schools. They take less time and still give fulfilling careers. Or you can go now with just basic courses and go from there. Major life decisions don't have to be made immediately upon graduating high school.
Or when they roll up their sleeves to their elbows... 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Or when they do the fucking dishes right away without asking. Oh yeah. Omg that's so hot. MMMMmmmm
Has science gone too far? 9 comments
I loved her so much :( 20 comments
· 8 years ago
So very sorry. It's so hard to lose a parent and I hope that as time goes on, the pain at least hurts a little less.
Truthhhhh 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Had this issue with a wrap skirt and crop top. And then I was like, whatever, I still feel fabulous.
All jokes aside, vaccinate your kids 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah but they actually vaccinate against the chickenpox nowadays. My husband didn't get the vaccination, because we didn't get it back in the day, so it was one of those play with your friends when they had it so you'd get it. Well unfortunately, he never did, so chickenpox to an adult is shit. It can actually be deadly to adults and babies.
Women snipers 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Look who failed to hear about Liudmyla Pvlychenko, the Ukranian sniper that had 300+ kills during WWII. That woman was amazing!
Hello darkness 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Think about wearing a morphsuit made out of that and photobombing everything
i hope this is true 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Okay, so did a little investigating. Hector Ferrer Alvarez is his name, and they lived in Florida. He was shot to death by a friend in the motorcycle club following what witnesses called a stupid arguement.
Here is the GoFundMe, because she needs help establishing paternity. In the state of Florida, she has to go through the courts because they were not married and will not let Hector be named the father on the birth certificate without establishing paternity, which has to go through court.
Here is the GoFundMe, because she needs help establishing paternity. In the state of Florida, she has to go through the courts because they were not married and will not let Hector be named the father on the birth certificate without establishing paternity, which has to go through court.
Passed down for generations. 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Hey, I actually went to a used game store and got my kid a Gameboy Color for Christmas and guess what?! She enjoys the hell out of that thing. I don't care if the battery is a piece of shit, you have to suffer, just like the generation before you! Muawhaahahahaha
Kingsmen...A great movie 12 comments
lol 33 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh let's face it, while we're all crying about her moving on oh so very quickly (which seems to be her signature move), it's more for the fact that Tom is pretty much the seemingly perfect gentleman, with just the right amount of British charm AND IT SHOULD BE ME DAMMIT
When justice fails, the internet shall shame 41 comments
· 8 years ago
I remember that and was quite angry with that. That made me really sad. It's like that judge was romanticizing Lolita or some bullshit.