The holy trinity of genders 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Loki is the father of practically every monster in norse myth.
When no one appreciates you work 3 comments
Be girlie and badass, but no simpering 6 comments
It’s a Horrible Life (Spooky Story) 12 comments
· 6 years ago
I enjoy these, but the perspective totally ruins it for me.
Like the odd blend of both second and first person is just... idk, I just can't really enjoy it.
Like the odd blend of both second and first person is just... idk, I just can't really enjoy it.
Zuck'd 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Hahah you FOOL
yOU HAvE AWAKENinG of **the ZUCC**
PRepair to be Zucc'déd and Succ'd
yOU HAvE AWAKENinG of **the ZUCC**
PRepair to be Zucc'déd and Succ'd
Thrust control of a military fighter jet 19 comments
· 6 years ago
I've been to the Mun in game (Or should it be Mün, it's spelt that way on the pod in the main menu)
Thrust control of a military fighter jet 19 comments
Svalbard, Norway has many beautiful waterfalls due to it's melting snow and ice 4 comments
· 7 years ago
The Nordic countries can be very beautiful. Something like Lake Sorvagsvaten in the Faeroe islands come to mind.
It's madness 6 comments
A man playing his cards right 10 comments
Our past 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, they were good up until about 2013 or so, then they gradually became more and more cancer.
Our past 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Relics... great ancient relics from the dark times.... the ancient, forgotten times, forgotten by all but the longest memories...
There... there they lurk... waiting... waiting for the day when they become ironically funny...
There... there they lurk... waiting... waiting for the day when they become ironically funny...