

I love painted dogs

— Sheeby78 Report User
Heheheh 25 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Bruh the new androids don’t have headphone jacks either
Dogs aren't just man's best friend it turns out 11 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
At the Cincinnati Zoo we took in a cheeta from another zoo, but he was too big to play with the other little cheetah. So the zoo adopted a chocolate lab named moose and the Donny (cheeta) and moose always are together.
It's only been 62 years since Rosa Parks stood up for what is right 3 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Claudette Colvin spoke at my school
The old cincinnati library, 1874-1955 5 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Dude I’m literally in the picture, that’s me!!!
The old cincinnati library, 1874-1955 5 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Tell me about it, I had to travel into future just comment on this post.
The old cincinnati library, 1874-1955 5 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
I live there!!!
Its not verified because nobody survived 10 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Your much more likely to die from the cold before you even see a snowleopard.
Its not verified because nobody survived 10 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
They also live on mountain tops in the Himalayas sooooo.
Ooze 4 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
This is why we beat the meat
Always extra 2 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Yeah they use hot springs in the mountains. They basically just chill in natural saunas in the snowy mountains all day.
Impossible Standards for Billionaires 4 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Yeah, gay and hot.
Impossible Standards for Billionaires 4 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
The holly wood billianare you showed is Neil caffery an x con who has barley any money. Also he is portrayed by the hottest man in the world, Matt bomer.
Boooooo, get off the stage you hack!!! 7 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
I agree
This school is on the time zone line between EST and CST 14 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
That’s cool
Boooooo, get off the stage you hack!!! 7 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
The thing is songs are meant to be listened to over and over while a joke is often only funny once.
Good ol' straight 12 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Me: ~
Bob Ross costume 8 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Im doing this
Riddle 17 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
No its not the last few digits of pi 1,4 because the number pi is just 3.14
Riddle 17 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
April 22 2020
Riddle 17 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Movie facts you didn't know 6 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Lions used to live in the jungle and all over Europe and Africa until people hunted them down.
The look of his face 8 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
Tom Brady looks like he’s about to tap his neck and get a vibranium suit.
After being on FunSubstance 15 comments
sheeby78 · 5 years ago
How to: Insult people 15 comments
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
You absolute unit
Ducks get nearly zero nutrition from bread. It fills them up and they do not benefit 11 comments
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
It can severely hurt their stomach and digestive systems as they are. Not capable of digesting it.