

— shepard530 Report User
Baking vs cooking 13 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
*Cake screaming in Japanese gibberish*
Baking vs cooking 13 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Baking is a science, cooking is an art.
View it and download it while you still can. Before they take it down 4 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
BTW, the tweet showing that the video was going to be deleted was fake. The person who did it just Rickrolled everyone who went to check. Lol.
Gigachad theodore roosevelt 2 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
The rare president who is considered a great one by both conservatives and progressives.
Grand Tour was pretty epic 3 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
It's almost like people watched Top Gear for the people, not the content...
Twitter should just build their own Nigeria 14 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
TBF, both sides can be guilty of doublethink. Many of those being whipped into a mob about Twitter "censorship" are the same ones who want athletes to be cut and fired for kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality, and constantly say that it isn't illegal because it's a private business, so they can do what they want. And to be clear, I would support the rights of the teams to cut athletes for that, because they *are* private businesses. It only gets dicey if all the owners collude to prevent those players from being signed afterward, because that violates the CBAs of the leagues.
Twitter should just build their own Nigeria 14 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
So, I would very much like to point out a huge difference here. Twitter is a private corporation. The law allows them the ability to dictate what speech can and cannot be voiced on their platform. The Nigerian government, on the other hand, is, well, a government entity. Their action is absolutely a violation of the human right of free speech of their citizens. Private corporations and government entities are *not* equivalent, and are held to different standards.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
Most? 4 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Most? MOST?!
It's something to think about 32 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
First of all, there are tax reasons. Second is legal issues regarding things like end of life care. There are a lot of fucked up things that have happened with gay couples when gay marriages were not allowable: situations where their partner of years was not allowed to have a say in the partner's care, while their parents who disowned them and haven't been involved in their life for decades do because the parents have the legal rights as next of kin.
Yes, of course I would watch this movie 3 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Not so much lesbian pirates as bisexual pirates (which, honestly, would properly describe most pirates/sailors of the era). Anne was actually the lover of Captain Calico Jack, and both Mary and Anne avoided being hanged for their crimes with the rest of his crew upon capture because they were pregnant.
14 · Edited 3 years ago
Microsoft Flight Simulator in beta, 2014 2 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
I think we all did, lol!
Hyper-Fixation 7 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Yup. Gotta love the hyper fixation part of ADHD.
On top of that he learned Python 2 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
And there is nothing wrong with that. In college, all they really care about is if you understand the material. Smaller classes might be more stringent on attendance, since each person might have valuable discussion to add, but if it's just a big lecture, they couldn't care less about whether you are there or not. Just get your work done, and you are good.
Tastes like green sour apple 3 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
You do realize that was necessary because the older generations proved it was, right?
Wak 3 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Yup. Especially since that helps it last longer, and helps her get there, ya know?
Teacher at journalism school: "no! It's not 'we made it up', it's 'anonymous 3 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Bruh, just use Wikipedia, but then quote the sources quoted on Wikipedia, lol.
Disclaimer: Don't actually do this for a class in your major, though. However, Wikipedia can still be an excellent place to start finding some useful resources and articles.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
Is this true? 3 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Oh, it is absolutely true.
Thoughts on good 1 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Chesterton is one of my favorite authors.
You played yourself 7 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Por que no los dos?
It was one hell of a ride 1 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
And this is why you check the weather before going out, lol.
Metric is the best system 2 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Look, as an American, I agree the metric system is generally superior. However, it simply isn't feasible for the US to move to it. We are more comfortable with imperial, and it would be prohibitively expensive to change the signage. And we still use metric where it truly matters (in science).
How you got time to text me, bruv? 7 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Yeah, and the other side should be a lot more to the point about it too. "Hey, we are short-handed tonight, so if you are available to come in on your night off, we'll give you time-and-a-half, even if it's just a couple of hours." I get that text message, I would strongly consider coming in, because they clearly know it's a favor, not an expectation.
How you got time to text me, bruv? 7 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Have fun next time you try to ask for a raise or promotion, buddy.
Thanos did it for Death 6 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
Okay, fair point, lol. Death just has very high standards, okay?!
Thanos did it for Death 6 comments
shepard530 · 3 years ago
He'll, with the Infinity Stones, you could more than double the resources. You are a God. You can do anything you want