

— shiftingsands Report User
What game is it Hodd Toward? 1 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
As is only right and proper 6 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
It's name is just 'Gacek' btw, not Kot Gacek
As is only right and proper 6 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
More likely 'someone with large, protruding ears'.
The usual word for bat in Polish is 'nietoperz'
I doubt it was an accident but still cool 6 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
Thanks, I noticed.
I doubt it was an accident but still cool 6 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
It kinda rhymes
Classic 4 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
You got me
Call 1-800-FORRESTLAMP now! 4 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
Yeah. I mentioned this as I watched a video on Americans trying British chocolate,Fry's Turkish Delight being one of them. None of them liked it and couldn't understand why ' Edmund betrayed his siblings for this', even though he had the the Lokum one, not the one they tried in the video.
It's the only culture they have. 13/50 7 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
We never got 2 weeks off shut up.
I'm one of them 2 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
I'm excited
Call 1-800-FORRESTLAMP now! 4 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
This only applies if you're talking about Fry's Turkish Delight, which is a completely different thing to what was in the book
Make it make sense 4 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
So why is she asking if he liked anyone? Also she never 'made a mistake', she lied.
3 · Edited 1 year ago
I love my gandpeppep 4 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
What a badass you are
I am tired of this inaccuracy 2 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
But don't put an apostrophe if it's just to make a word plural
My mother 3 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
Hip granny 4 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
True 8 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
How can you not like cats??
History moment 1 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
Yeah right
How long must we suffer? 1 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
No, I want Elon to shut down, not Twitter
briish 2 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
I disagree. Last year summer definitely had about 2 months of sunshine or more
I did a double take on this one 2 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
It's called a checking question.
He was addicted to marmelade sandwiches 1 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
Wake. Up 3 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
Oh this again.
Moist 2 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
We also spell as 'dysmenorrhoea'
Really clever title 1 comments
shiftingsands · 1 year ago
You could also say 'gówniarz/gówniara' but it applies to anyone