

Don't be afraid of the dragons in the forest. 10 points if you can identify the song that's from

— Spøkelse Report User
The equality we deserve 21 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Just the meme
The equality we deserve 21 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
This was actually widely reposted within LGBT+ circles!
Sister is going too far for anime expo next month 5 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Wow, that's amazing. I almost want to try this style.
Two damaging Vulture 32 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Wow, that's amazing
Töte die Jungenliebhaber 3 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
I hope it’s a troll
Sister is going too far for anime expo next month 5 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
I’m so confused, is that a mask?
100% of OPs are gay 6 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Two damaging Vulture 32 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Are there admins here now?
Ever wonder what it's like to be my friend 16 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Now I have to see it, too
Captivating blue eyes 21 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
That skin is going to age quickly
Weird products 5 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Might be useful for concerts and the like
I try lol 3 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Why not both?
Two damaging Vulture 32 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
64% of calls to which firefighters are directed are medical emergencies because firefighters are usually qualified to handle those emergencies. They are purposefully directed there by dispatching centres.
We should have more ethnic diversity only in ways that are proportionate to the population; diversity for diversity's sake is pointless, it's just unfair to exclude women and ethnic minorities for no reason.
I agree that the original article was lacking. I found it too brief, and it didn't include specific enough accounts.
Safety first!! 1 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
That's where the brain is
Two damaging Vulture 32 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Everyone in the comments has fallen for sensationalist headlines instead of reading the damn article.
Two damaging Vulture 32 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
After reading the article, it seems that the problem is that white male firefighters are disproportionate to the general population, and so it creates problems within the profession for nonwhite or female firefighters, who have to prove themselves further than just passing what is necessary to become a firefighter. It causes problems within the job.
For U.S. firefighters, 96% are male and 82% are white. In the U.S. military, 85% are men and 60% are white. In U.S. local police forces, 88% are men and 73% are white.
Apparently, only 4% of emergency calls to which the fire department responded were actual fires. 64% were medical emergencies. In this case, it makes less sense for it to be male-dominated.
Girls, isn't this true? 13 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Oh, well in that case, I definitely do not think that all girls are like this.
Can you see it? 42 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
I don't think they drew it, but definitely try drawing!
Girls, isn't this true? 13 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Yes, it's true. Threats of physical violence are seldom taken seriously when they come from women. This sexism hurts men when their cries for help aren't taken seriously.
Horsey ride 2 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Next google: Can you get STDs from a unicorn?
Also switch your electricity supplier to one that uses wind or solar 6 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
There's so much that is easy to fix, but won't be fixed, because of greed. The reason cows emit so much methane is due to the corn based feed they are fed. It's possible to keep eating beef, but the people who profit from corn won't have it. In China and India, that industrialisation can be done responsibly if the people who run the factories were more responsible. The companies in places other than India and China profit hugely over the irresponsible manufacturing of goods by purchasing and selling goods bought ridiculously cheap.
Asking the right questions 3 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
We've had this post before, apparently his ears look pretty normal.
"Don't Argue" 3 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
This is so tired
Wonderful 2 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
But honestly, there's a lot of beauty in some of the older architecture, as well as the nature.