Sir Spiderman the 8th


Just someone who reads fanfiction
Sir Spiderman the 8th Report User
People from the future may not understand our advanced meme knowledge 3 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
That's okay, buddy. You can cum inside me.
It's called The Holy Bible, you heretic 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
"Your honor, I killed and raped dozens of innocent children, but it was just part of my plan!"
"Oh well, then you're free to go. Having a plan automatically excuses you from violating human rights."

Your argument about understanding god is so laughable. If God is so mysterious, then why do people even claim to understand him? What makes this one so different than all the other thousands of gods? Nothing.
I can't be the only one who see this 5 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Why are you guys looking over the fence like that without any gloves? You could catch a homerun ball and sell it on ebay for hundreds of bucks!
It's called The Holy Bible, you heretic 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
What about infants who die in childbirth? What was their purpose?
It's called The Holy Bible, you heretic 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
"There’s no more proof for most any religion, abrahamic or other, than exists against it." Is the best thing I've ever heard. It's literally something I expect to hear in a "Top 10 Worst Religious Arguments". A few simple things that disprove the Christianity... The heliocentric model, the completely wrong order of life's development on Earth, the age of the earth being off by a factor of 750000, that the moon is a source of light, that humans are different than animals, that stone age humans don't live past 50 much less 900, that rainbows are caused by magic, the fact that magic doesn't exist as shown by the Large Hadron Collider, the complete lack of existence of giants, the proof in the geologic collumn that shows no evidence of a global flood, the impossibility of a global flood, and the to me... THAT THE EARTH ISN'T FLAT. The Bible makes plenty of claims and most of them are wrong. You only have to prove one claim wrong to show it's not the word of a god.
Zombie outbreak would be short 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
It depends on the type of zombie now. I can believe in a zombie parasite that stops the brain's immune system while simulataneously keeping the brain still functioning. Without an immune system, your body will start to rot pretty fast.
Zombie outbreak would be short 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Rigor mortis is only temporary and typically lasts less than a single day, but that is also a point I hadn't considered.
Some Pockets in Wedding Dress 4 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Oh my god, that dress looks amazing!

It has pockets!
It's called The Holy Bible, you heretic 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Yea, but a research paper requires passing peer review. It failed to the extreme due to self contradictory information, impossibilities, lack of evidence, violations of human rights, known forgeries, and also the fact that the books were written anonymously by many, many different people with a clear agenda.
It's called The Holy Bible, you heretic 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
@guest_ Let's not forget about the complete lack of evidence for the abrahamic religions and all the evidence against them along with all the reasons why even if said gods did exists why they would be immoral monsters that should never be worshipped. The point of those books is to do whatever god says or be tortured. Also, just because there is a plan doesn't matter. 9/11 was part of a plan too.
Better than getting a Krusty Krabb 2 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Zombie outbreak would be short 24 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Skeletons aren't capable of moving without flesh. You need muscles which decay very quickly. We find preserved human, and other animal species, remains usually in places where bacteria have difficulties living or where scavengers are incapable of getting them. Being wet and moist isn't a requirement either. Most places on Earth aren't dry enough on Earth to stall rotting. Two days is a pretty short time period, but they wouldn't last more than a year or two.

Also, dinosaur bones are not tough. What people usually call dinosaur bones aren't actually bones. They are minerals (rocks) that just took the shape of where the bones used to be. It's similar to but it takes a lot longer. They aren't bones. Scavengers eat bones too as do certain types of bugs.

Also, the laws of physics allow the creation of zombies. They happen to insect species all the time usually in the form of parasites taking control of their mind. Have fun sleeping with that one.
Any biologist here, to answer this question?! 21 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Those photos are so cherry picked that even a layman can point it out. Humans have sharp teeth in the front made to cut through flesh/plants with flat teeth in the back for grinding said meal into an easily swallowable mush. If you actually think for a few moments, then you'll realize that horses primarily feed on tough plant matter which is pretty rare e.g. grass. They need slightly sharper teeth to cut through the toughness, but that isn't even the point here. Horse teeth are pretty flat.

The OP just decided to take a photo where you can't see the flat top and lie about saying that it is common.

Humans aren't even that good at digesting plant matter ffs. We evolved to eat meat because eating plants isn't enough to fuel our needs. We don't have the time to spend hours doing nothing but eating. We instead eat very nutritious meat with high amounts of calories instead.
Kid drops profound wisdom 3 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
People who want to scare people into following their political movements by making up lies.
Why we fight 4 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
And yet it is our obligation to do it
[I used to be an adventurer like you Intensifies] 4 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Nah, it's not very fun anyways
Nike got the wrong spokesperson 4 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
He believes that he is doing the good thing. Others may see it otherwise, but he has life experience which is what leads him to believe that all the others are wrong.
Nike got the wrong spokesperson 4 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
This was legit the best scene in the entire movie. This one scene made everyone at least somewhat compassionate towards Thanos for a few reasons.

This scene establishes a very important thing; that Thanos wasn't willing to murder even if it meant something good. One of the most important things about a villian isn't what he will do but rather what he will NOT do.

We also get the tension built from the sacrifice, you know what I'm talking about, that tells us that this is something he doesn't want to do and almost isn't willing to do. But he still does it because he said he couldn't make the same mistake as before showing us character growth.

Finally, we get the release of tension from seeing him cry about it which accents his unwillingness to do it. Later in the end of the movie, when she asks "What did it cost?", he replies "Everything" which cements the idea that she was the only person he ever allowed himself to love - she was his everything.
Perks of being a support 7 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
This is so damn true. When I play healer, all I do is laugh and see the people keep needing to be healed over and over... It's truly a great time.
A meme for our time 14 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Your job is to see what the experts say, all of the experts not just one in ten thousand, and gather a consensus to put forward with notes at the end to make it clear where all of your information came with.
I knew I was different 13 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Only if you're trying to make it
Thanos agrees 3 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
This is actually more true than most people know. People always assume aliens will be super different than humans, but aliens will likely be hairless, bipedal creatures with a brain at the top of their form with two eyes facing forward, two ears on each side, a nose of the front, and a mouth on the face as well. The human form is exactly what you'd expect of an intelligent species to have due to how easy it is to evolve. This goes further to include that oxygen rich planets would be a near guarantee due to the ease of which it is produced from small single celled organisms evolving to use sunlight and another chemical to release it.
Get ****ed 11 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Heroes know when to run
Change my mind 5 comments
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
You get a service, you pay for the service