

— sirviantis Report User
Extinguishing candles with gas 5 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Doesn't need to be any particular gass (though nitrogen is quite inert and thus a safe bet) but any gas heavier than air will move the oxygen away from the candles and thus extinguish them.
Which way? 4 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Yeh, I just shove it in dry
Well, with toothpaste ofcourse.
Can't just fly away 7 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Gravity falls has a fourth season?!?!?!
It's weird that we all live the same life 4 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I've got the exact opposite, I try this with my girlfriend to be cute and stuff, she has insanely small lungs and I can feel my body going "Please stop!"
Nyooooooom 6 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I have lost my girlfriend when she's out of sight and I can't slow my pace to hers... on multiple occasions
Also, short people, how surreal must your life be? just stuck in a maze of taller people's bums?
Backfire 5 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
How did your teacher know this? How did you not hand in a printed version? How cool is your teacher for doing this?
Nah, too many coincidences, can't have happened.
Dumbest rumour 8 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Until recently there was a rumour going around of me and this girl being a couple. It's not just rumours anymore...
Am I the only one here? 26 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Usually if she brings it up real shy, it's a dead giveaway. Yeah, took me a few minutes after that to confess my feelings...
And oneeeeeee 6 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I used to enjoy doing that, I stopped when I started hitting my head against doorposts...
I want a woman that loves me for the cash in my wallet, not the length of my legs 20 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
As a tall (6'9'') someone who used to list their height on Tinder I can assure you it does not work!
Like, at all...
How do you pronounce it 5 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
King George or nothing!
Osama been spoken 10 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
My girlfriend has this rule where the dude has to be taller than her. Unfortunatey for her there isn't a limit on how much taller he's got to be. The fact that I'm 1'8'' taller makes things amusingly challenging...
Guess I'll die 2 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
What's so bad about going to the doctor's, ours just has a thing on his site where you can put an appointment in their calendar, no phoning needed!
Also, how is a normal monster with 1000/1000 ATK/DEF scary? I know it's the old days, but still
· Edited 6 years ago
Me staying up to do a project 1 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Fun fact, I've done that earlier this week, missed half a lecture to finish a lab report. When I arrived at the classroom I waited like a minute or so and then some girl walked out. I asked if the class allready had their break (we get breaks somewhere halfway into certain lectures) and she's like "no, but they wondered where you were." So then I was like "who am I to dissapoint my fans?" And waddled in, like 40 minutes late. At first it was all cool, and I made it halfway to the front row when the lecturer's focus snapped to me and she just played it cool like "Oh, hi Sirviantis. glad you could make it, you missed the kahoot" But there was like no animosity going on between us.
Yeah, my teachers love me...
It's like a gas station 4 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I don't see why you'd need to get service at a gas station, you pick up a hose and jam it in your car. It's not rocket science!
Taking a stand 8 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I have a professor who has a reusable mug. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one.
Yeah, for real, she's got seven reusable mugs at the office.
Drinking water side effects 1 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I drink a lot of water and declared mysef a god a while back, now I get to preform faith healings and I'm sharp as a tack. Also I piss like three(?) times a day...
This post is false
Truly annoying 1 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Flies enter through diffusion, everyone knows that.
Fourth wall 1 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Funny, I remember pokémon games as having much better art...
The true treasure 7 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Well, you need something to do on your trip...
I want this movie 10 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Ah, cool thanks Alekazam
I want this movie 10 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
What's the name of the movie, the one with the mask?
I'm sad now oof 14 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Hmm, well, appearantly she learned to use touch screen, so it's not like she can't type.
Flaccid Teeth 7 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
We could sell teeth-anti-viagra as dietary pills
Frosted mini spooners 3 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Wait, how do straight people sound different?