I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 9 years ago
They played those parts because they're ACTORS that's what they do. They did it better than anyone else could have! The colour of their skin shouldn't matter, that is racist! Picking the best person for the job shouldn't be saying no because you're white! There would be no difference if they were any other colour. You don't mention any of the amazing African American actors that plays amazing parts, and no one else should have gotten their part either because they are perfect for the role they're playing.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 9 years ago
It should be played by that race? When a talented actor who happens to be white is astounding and perfect for the part? I'm sorry but Prince of Persia is one of my favorite movies and the main reason why is because of Jake Gyllenhaal. He literally made the move. To say a white person should not get a part in a movie, when they're clearly a better and well known actor is racist. Race shouldn't matter, when they're picking someone for a part they need to pick the BEST ACTOR/ACTRESS for the part!
how many parent do we have here? 28 comments
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry, but the actor and actress you mention MADE those movies. So I don't understand why someone else should have been picked to play those roles just because of race. They did an amazing job and quite frankly I don't think the movies would have been as good without them.
Ok...so an awesome guy sent me this. 8 comments
· 9 years ago
He's speaking to my soul! He's beautiful, he's sweet, he's my best friend, he's perfection. Someone likes the way I am, I'm terrified.
Well... She's got a point 7 comments
Dogs are the priority 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Seriously, the weird voice JUST HAPPENS....there's no stopping it. It's worth it all though, nothing is better than seeing the look on their face.
What a sting from a Portuguese Man o'war Jellyfish looks like 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Of course it happened in Australia, everything tries to kill you in Australia.
Dogs are the priority 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Absolutely! I cannot see a dog and not pet it, talk to it in a weird crazy voice, and I will do anything to make it happy.
George Miller gave one simple sentence that made Mad Max great 10 comments
· 9 years ago
If you watched the original movie, this one did an amazing job! I was worried they'd fk it up, but it was on point the entire time!
I'll get my enemies to touch this 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I'll have to help you, so either we're going to painfully die...or become superheroes. O.O
Just Beautiful 9 comments
Well crap :( 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh yes, usually always one somewhere to let you know they're not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged.
I'll get my enemies to touch this 7 comments
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 9 years ago
It also depends on script, and an actor if asked to play a part a lot of times say no...it has a lot to do with what content the move is. Giving an award, we need to make sure that the best person wins. The issue shouldn't be the award, it should be more ethnic parts written into scripts that's award worthy. Then I'm certain we'd be seeing a lot of minorities winning.
Disabled people protest hanging from bridge in Bolivia 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh definitely with your upper body and arms. They can do a lot of stuff we can't even do...I have a friend with her arm amputated and I swear to god she can do more than me!!! I've had to get her to help me before and she'd laugh at me so hard. To make it clear she was amputated just below her elbow.
Edited 9 years ago