Painting that my 10 year old autistic daughter did of her pup 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Id love one!!
People are right about pits being fighters, we just teach them what to fight for with love 14 comments
The meaning of loyalty 14 comments
When the show must go on 14 comments
Those paws are huge 11 comments
It's been a rough week guys 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Honestly? I don't.. It's what people keep telling me. But look! You have so many people here to support you, and who will help in any way. The way I see it is that life is sorta like a roller coaster, theres a really big climb up a steep hill, and then as you go over the curve at the top you can see everything and all of it's beauty right there infront of you.. The dips and hills right now will be NOTHING compared to what will be coming. Talk to me any time, okay? I understand what you're going through.. You are not alone, nor will you ever be
It's been a rough week guys 21 comments
No heaven for you little birdie 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Pigeons actually have natural dust in their feathers to help keep out water and other stuff
Michigan Isn't A Happy Place 12 comments