

— skyfall1008 Report User
I have so many questions 4 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
I immediately thought of Cas
so... i got shot in the a** 50 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Took a bullet/stabbed on the outside of my left thigh?
SJW 2 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
In a parallel universe
Which One Is Yours? 21 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Well that escalated quickly? 1 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Got my name from that first movie :)
What's your song? 122 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Need your heart in my ass
This is my daddy 3 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Awesome dad alert
One of the scariest places on Earth 2 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
My dad double-bounced me over the edge when I was four. I landed in the goldfish pond and sprained my wrist.
Who Am I to Stop Them? 16 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
This made me sick to my stomach
· Edited 8 years ago
China’s deserted fake Disneyland 4 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
It's like some post-apacalyptic waste land. Creepy
· Edited 8 years ago
I Cant Live 2 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Oh god why
Harry potter and the shirt 2 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
For some reason, this makes me really sad
Troll teacher 2 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
That's not fair. If he's tired enough that he needs to sleep in class, you shouldn't make him embarrass himself. That's an asshole teacher.
How to repeat YouTube videos 3 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
This actually works
Men know the feeling 5 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Tom! That's naughty
1 · Edited 8 years ago
Oh, Robert 2 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Look at how adorable Tom is!!!
I feel sorry for them 1 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Poor kids. No childhood at all.
Introduced my team to FunSubstance the other day 6 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
God bless 'Merica and our troops!
Your new cat name 60 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Sir Pouncey McPaws
Right in the feels 8 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Trust me, it isn't fun. At all.
Are you alcoholic? 3 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Yeah, this isn't funny. Alcoholism is a serious problem, not the butt of your stupid joke.
Happy Women's Day 3 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Thank you, aeris!
Twinkle-Twinkle Little 1 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
When Boys 12 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Jesus, mgoveia. What's stuck up your ass?
Movie villains are so attractive sometimes 6 comments
skyfall1008 · 8 years ago
Don't forget Sherlock, people! Or is he still a villain to us...?