

— slothaddict Report User
Our lord and savior 9 comments
slothaddict · 8 years ago
Our lord and savior Jesus Fries
don't mind me i'm just a vegetable 36 comments
slothaddict · 8 years ago
I thought potatoes were a starch?
What did you expect? 16 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
I read bombs as boobs and was confused haha
spider sink 6 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
I would've just washed it down the drain
Seeing your BFF again 2 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
It looks more like what a bitch
Aerial selfie mode 5 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
I was actually singing this and then read this!
Baby cosplay 23 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
Oh my goodness that baby Edward :)
Using The Same Outfit For 40 Years 9 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
The mustache
My reaction when I read this post 15 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
"Smelly cat, smelly cat it's not your fault."
You know you have dat ass when you fire a sniper and it wobbles 6 comments
slothaddict · 9 years ago
Why unfortunately?
Joke 3 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
Look at that butt bag
A moist owlet 7 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
Ba dum tss
Title not needed 6 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
We can't wait to burn it to the ground
I have no idea why his mother worried 16 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
"I've eaten cakes that weren't baked as much as he is"
6 · Edited 10 years ago
How a heart pumps blood 2 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
It kinda reminds me of a pinball machine
Superslide into the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily, Italy 3 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
Sicily is an island that's part of Italy
Going somewhere 7 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
It reminds me of finger prints
Endangered hamster-sized deer born in Spanish zoo 14 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
With a dik-dik here. and a dik-dik there. here a dik. There a dik. everywhere a dik-dik
Tfios 96 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
Add "in my ass" 227 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
This is war in my ass.
On their way home from school, these kids find this horrible scene 18 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
"They can care less as long as someone will bleed" anyone else think of that? No? Okay...
Technology nowadays 9 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
No she just covered it
Types of drivers 13 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
I've always learned to drive like a 'race driver', but now in driver's ed they want us to drive like 'mom' because if you get in a crash your arms won't get crushed by the air bag.
I don't know how to react after the first time 6 comments
slothaddict · 10 years ago
I probably wouldn't have said anything and pretended like I didn't see them....