

I am just a very thin layer of charming with some funny sprinkles wrapped around a huge creamy center of raging arrogant a-hole.

— Smitty Report User
Don't be in the fools club 20 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Homeopathy is refered to as being a:
Supplemental, Complimentary, Alternative Medicine.
Take a closer look at the name.

It's not just a pseudoscience, it's fraud.
Merp derp 9 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
I have no problem with calling that a vegetable patty... but calling that, or more importantly labeling the package as a "cheeseburger" will land you in court.

Vegan? No dairy, it's not cheese and you can't call it that. The USDA and the FTC won't let you call something it isn't.
Same with the burger part. Burger can be any meat, but it's usually beef. If it isn't meat, it's not a burger and again the USDA and the FTC will come knocking.
Why do you think chicken is "misspelled" on vegetarian/vegan alternatives? Calling it "Chik'n" is ok, but not chicken if it isn't.

Don't get me wrong, there are some veggie options that are fuuucking amazing... but don't insult what you're imitating or my intelligence by calling something it isn't.
It's all so simple now 14 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Do it right and the performance on both of those can be just about the same...
However, the one on top is an RPG magnet. Drive that out of your garage on even a moderatly full server and you're getting hosed.
A Kingfisher's underwater hunt 4 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Well, not anymore they don't.
Multicolor pen 3 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
I still do... especially the red barrel ones. The one above is a blue barrel, (duh) meaning it's a medium point. Red barrel ones are fine point.
Sandboarding 5 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Radical Islam?
Kill 'em with kindness 10 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
You know whay gramps? You might be right.

The thing here though... is that your refusal to learn the new technology, adapt to modern society and instead cling to severly outdated modes of thought is a much, MUCH bigger part of what's wrong with America you stale old fart.
"can you bring some of it home daddy :P?" 5 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Tripping on acid is better when you drop the base.
Oh come on what is this 10 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
We are here for a good time, not a long time.
Healthcare be damned.
Vegan news 3 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
The silver lining is that this is HR reportable for harrassment.
Glass formed by lighting hitting sand 3 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
When lightning hits sand, it forms what is called a fulgerite.
That is not a fulgerite. This is:
This is probably just slag.

It's also a month old direct rip off from reddit. I only mention that because the title is exactly the same.
Gomez and Morticia Cosplay 3 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Yes, but this evokes more of the John Astin Gomez vibe than the Raúl Juliá feel.
Comparatively, she's portraying a more Carolyn Jones feel than Anjelica Huston.

All in all, the cosplay good and on point for the TV show I think.
10 · Edited 5 years ago
Gomez and Morticia Cosplay 3 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Also a good reason/excuse to have random, insense makeout sessions.
He's called 16 year old 4 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Easier to build than you think. A Farnsworth–Hirsch electrostatic confinement demonstrator only needs a small vacuum chamber, vacuum pump, variac and some bits of wire and switches.
These tabletop demonsrators are harmless, generating barely more radiation than background. As they mentioned, the real fun starts at higher voltages and backfilling with Deuterium.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Manly man 7 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Here you go. The correct example of toxic masculinity.

Suck it up. Don't be a pussy. Be a man. Don't cry.
We have been condidtioned from birth that this is how it is. How it is supposed to be... how we are supposed to act... that if we show feelings, emotions, we are weak. Weak willed, weak of fortitude and looked down upon. Made fun of. Bullied... have our gender and orientation called into question. Do I need to spell that out?

... but now it's ok? Forgive me and my cynicism, but the poison of society's conditioning is just a little hard to shake off and the turn around is frankly just a little hard to trust.
The oxford comma 4 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Through twelve years of education: Primary, Secondary and High School and thirteen English teachers, not only were we never taught about the Oxford, we were actively taught that using a comma in the fashion an Oxford is employed is WRONG. I didn't learn about the Oxford until I was well into adulthood.
Are you telling that thirteen college degree holding teachers that taught me to read, write and to better speak were wrong?
Well, you can take your Oxford and get stuffed.

Some argue that it can make a sentance more clear and then demonstrate with some BS about Stalin, orange juice and strippers.
I call bullshit on low hanging fruit. It doesn't make it clearer, it's a fucking crutch for a poorly written sentance.

If a sentance is well composed and not a fucking syntaxual trainwreck, the Oxford won't matter on clarity... even if it is wrong.
Careful, you might get offended 14 comments
smitty · 5 years ago

US Heathcare offers two options:
• Bankruptcy
• Death

Why waste money on buying "coverage" then?Because it's now required by law to spend money on "coverage" and have insurance that we know won't cover us when we need it.
Kinda like government enforced mafia protection money.
The non-vegan lifestyle 15 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Yes, but not without voiding your warranty.
Creating plasma in a microwave oven 8 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
This should go with out saying, but...


(do it at a freind's house.)
Some intense skateboarding 6 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
An extra million views on YouTube.
Sweetest story 5 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
My work here is done, I may rest now.
Healthy or nah? 9 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
Yeah, but this is british print "journalism." You're better off just ignoring it.
Learn the difference 6 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
The last time a twitter user got reported for gamer and "geek culture" bullying, they got suspended and eventually banned.
Damn it bro 11 comments
smitty · 5 years ago
I wanna rock.