

— snowbeast Report User
Potatoes! 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Tag yourself I'm both jars. Speaking of jars, during the late Iron Age, the dead in Scandinavia were almost exclusively cremated. The cremains were then placed in JARS, buried and covered with a layer of rocks called a stone setting. Stone settings are usually round but may be square or triangular. They may be flat or mounded, with mounds more common towards the end of the Iron Age.
Froggo Fun R #46 - Happpy Discount Chocolate Day! 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
*licks one anyway*
So that's where the rest of the pants went. 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Because SO sexy
Fun fact; Hawaii was annexed by the US 1898 for use as a military base. 4 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Poor Captain Cook. Don't judge the past by the standards of the present!
I bet they ended up on sale at half off 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Thanks! I just sprayed tea all over myself. The cat ran for her life. I thought the guy in peach was naked from the waist down except for his trouser legs.
7 · Edited 2 years ago
Initiate Kitteh 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
11 · Edited 2 years ago
Oh noes, communism! 2 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
you forgot lmao ==> loving mao
Rune-substance #2 14 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
I am studying archaeology, and the topic of my essay this term is language development as traced through runestones and early Christian graves. I have a fair few photos :-)
Man, the eighties were wild man. 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
So sexy
Rune-substance #2 14 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Whose anxiety?
Rune-substance #2 14 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Aren't I?! Yes I take all pictures myself, otherwise I credit the photographer. This stone is about an hour away from my home.
Rune-substance #2 14 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Wow I just saw how crooked the horizon is, I'll do better next time :-)
Rune-substance #2 14 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Runestone from the mid to late 1000s located in the village of Hov, Sweden. This one is a whopper, 2m high and 1.7m wide. Many runestones were repurposed as building material - this one was found in 1867 built into the cellar of a manor house. Here is another cross - the majority of 11th century runestones reference Christianity in the text, decorations or both.
Old Norse translitteration:
Tunna/Tonna satti stæin þ[annsi æf]tiʀ sinn ver Þorfast. Vas hann manna mæstr oniðingʀ.
Tunna/Tonna placed this stone in memory of her husband Þorfastr. He was the most unvillainous of men.
ID for those who know these things: L2012:8466 / Ög 77
15 · Edited 2 years ago
Their Time Has Come 9 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
*hurriedly pulls on long socks and hides behind @happy_frog *
Their Time Has Come 9 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Oh thank goodness. My first association was to people harming themselves with razors. De-hairing is much better.
I was sick first two years but then society got better 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
The fairness is so unfair! I feel emasculated!
Went hiking yesterday. 27 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
I'm east of @karlboll in a city called Linköping. We have great trails too including the 33km "Omberg runt" which follows-ish the perimeter of a moraine on the east side of massive Lake Vättern. The views are stunning. My hip flexors stopped working after that hike - I had to lift my legs with my hands into my car afterwards :-D
I was sick first two years but then society got better 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
*shakes fist impotently* I'm still working from home, and my company rarely uses video, so no one cares if I'm at my desk naked either. HOW TO REBEL
3 · Edited 2 years ago
I was sick first two years but then society got better 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Imma try that on Monday
Egg Day 2 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
I'd love an egg day with someone I love
4 · Edited 2 years ago
How many such events weren't photographed? 9 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. He sent tanks into Lithuania to quell the freedom demonstrations in 1991. Blew my young mind.
Looks like meat's back on the menu bois 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Soylent green
Of Tattoos and Teacups 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
I have a favorite teacup at the homes of all my friends and family. Morally I'm the only one who knows it's my favorite. I still get disappointed if I don't get the right cup.
3 · Edited 2 years ago
Zodiac killer or something i dunno. 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Really enjoying your posts lately @karlboll
Beans! 5 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago