

— snowbeast Report User
This looks like a job for Occam's razor! 1 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Sisyphus is overjoyed, as he is rolling his boulder downhill for once.
An Actual Terry Meme 12 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Thank you Terry I will accept
Ranked 462nd as a man to 1st 15 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
It depends on the state of the body. The police/medical examiner records sex based on the physical appearance of the body, especially the genitalia. If something points to the deceased being transgender (i.e. dress, gender reassignment surgery scars, etc) then it would surely be noted as potentially having bearing on the case. If the remains are skeletal, then sex is determined by comparing bone dimensions against established ranges (same with race). Note that as the ranges overlap, sex determination can be tricky. Regardless, it would be impossible to detect from bones alone that a person changed gender as an adult.
Sleepovers are the best 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Some of us don't have a lot of opportunities! And I saw the way that raccoon was looking at me.
Sleepovers are the best 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
I feel attacked
Sleepovers are the best 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
*puts kettle on for raccoon*
*applies makeup for raccoon*
*waits eagerly*
Rune-substance #3 8 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Rune-substance #3 8 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
There is so much speculation about the zoomorphic decoration. This one is obviously a snake, but a lot of stones depict something more approaching a dragon, or a snake with multiple appendages at least. And then there are the lions, carved by people who had never seen one. I have more posts coming ;-)
Back on it 1 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
new & improved bullshit
Rune-substance #3 8 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Runestone built into Kaga church in Östergötland, Sweden. Kaga church is one of the country's oldest, founded in ca 1137, and still retains its medieval spire.
Old Norse: Tufi ræisti stæin þennsi æftiʀ Lid-Bofa, faður sinn.
English: Tufi raised this stone in memory of Lid-Bofa, his father.
It is possible to date runestones approximately based on their decorative elements. On this stone, there is a looped band of runes, and a snake shown from above (rather than in profile) which is plain apart from a small lappet by the tail. This simple style, plus the fact that it was re-purposed when building the church, points to a dating between 1010 and 1037. Tufi likely personally approved its usage - perhaps to symbolically bring his father into the church?
See Gräslund 2006 for information on dating runestones stylistically.
L2012:9799 / Ög 103
9 · Edited 2 years ago
Country people talking to bugs 2 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Can confirm. Skeeters, ticks and flies experience immediate and devastating prairie justice. Bees, moths, beetles and the like are gently sent on their way after being told "this house ain't big enough for the both of us." Spiders I negotiate with, and the result depends on the individual, his powers of persuasion and whether or not I can reach him.
Froggo Fun #51 - The Hot Tub's Ready 4 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
2 · Edited 2 years ago
The Search Continues 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
And cat pics
My skin like bark, my beard of lichen, eyes of water droplets deep in a cave 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Sounds like you need some antibiotics
Kitty Sitting 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Feed that happiness! 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Who did you eat?!
Vad? 14 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Good luck pronouncing sju
Have a suspect or two 1 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
A project manager would never ask for that. Sales & Marketing would ask for that. A project manager would simply reply, "That's not in the spec."
4 · Edited 2 years ago
I see your basket cat & raise you a basket cat 7 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Cat adorability isn't quantifiable. Lucky for you, as my cat would win paws down. Look at her little beans!!
Hang in there 1 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
<3 <3 <3
Potatoes! 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
*places coin in right jar*
Potatoes! 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
Tag yourself I'm both jars. Speaking of jars, during the late Iron Age, the dead in Scandinavia were almost exclusively cremated. The cremains were then placed in JARS, buried and covered with a layer of rocks called a stone setting. Stone settings are usually round but may be square or triangular. They may be flat or mounded, with mounds more common towards the end of the Iron Age.
Froggo Fun R #46 - Happpy Discount Chocolate Day! 3 comments
snowbeast · 2 years ago
*licks one anyway*