

somechik Report User
Talking about experience and pure talent, I present to you Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters 12 comments
somechik · 8 years ago
How can people talk if they don't know how to read?
timeless 8 comments
somechik · 8 years ago
We've advanced more than ducks. Solid conclusion.
Before and after. Be careful with what you post on the internet 12 comments
somechik · 8 years ago
What fucking jurisdiction sends out five officers for a kid with a few pot plants? How are we not outraged that this is how our tax money is being spent?
A very necessary need 7 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Use powder, man.
Weight loss motivation 18 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
What is her height?
my life 6 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Dude: How old age you?
somechik: I don't know.
Dude: You don't know how old you are?
somechik: Of course I know how old I am.
Dude: So how old are you?
somechik: I'm alright.
Dude: Is that alright years?
somechik: Yeah, fifteen alright years.
Don't do drugs, kids.
I'm currently wearing a S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt so, I'm okay with this. 88 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
I'm wearing a TMNT t-shirt.
I didn't expect to find out the ocean was this deep 15 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
This is beautiful.
Chewbacca looking majestic as ever 1 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Yay College 14 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
The point is: using one school as an indicator of rising tuition costs. Using more than one school would not be accurate because the cost may vary between two schools during the same year. Using an average may not be an accurate reflection because the ratio between state college and Ivy League may change and skew the results. Using Uncle Pete's College of Trench Digging and Nose Picking in Fort Hither, Alabama won't necessarily show an accurate national tend. Yale is a lasting school that not only most people have heard of, but folks from all over the country attend. It's just one example, however, to show the trend of rising tuition costs. Even if you go to a state college, the cost has gone up over the last 45 years.
9 · Edited 9 years ago
Minimalist Bathroom Signs 9 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Innies and outies?
Undeniable truths about coffee 16 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Yup. We even drink coffee in AA. Lots of coffee.
The terrorists are winning 6 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
They're trans-ginger.
This is the law 20 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
I'd bet my bottom dollar her parents.
Daughter like dad 11 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Hahahahaha! The kids on funsub are always whining that their parents are mean and unfair and don't treat them respectfully. This guy posts how much he loves his kid and funsub is like, "Dude, spelling. That's totally the wrong meme. We're smarter than you. You're stupid." No wonder your parents hate you.
Captain Underpants Gold 15 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
I was thinking about your comment this morning, avenger, and, in a perfect world, my kids would only read John Steinbeck and Laura Ingalls Wilder and other literature I find valuable, but I let go of that ideal to be satisfied that they're reading at all. Even if I think what they are reading is junk.
Respect the blocks 10 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
I bit a KitKat last night without breaking it. My husband grabbed it out of my hand and threw it in the garbage. "You can't do that! You've ruined it and you can't eat it now."
How did people survive car trips before internet 17 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Also, I didn't know that cars have WiFi now. My car is old.
How did people survive car trips before internet 17 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
However, I do agree that less responsible folks might be more tempted to use the WiFi in such a manner that would be dangerous while driving.
How did people survive car trips before internet 17 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
You guys know that WiFi has uses besides social media, right? Like maps and navigation or streaming radio. I could totally see where I'd use WiFi in my car as a driver and still not be making status updates or browsing FunSubstance.
· Edited 9 years ago
Is it normal? 13 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
My husband and I have both been pulled over for bullshit reasons: "the route you were driving was suspicious," or "I didn't see your totally legit temporary license plate in the tinted windows of your new vehicle, but now that I do, I'm going to run all your information anyway to see if there is any way I can cite or arrest you," so I do sometimes see an officer and feel paranoid when I am doing nothing wrong. My cousin had a gun aimed at her head when she was pulled over for speeding in her very, very rural neighborhood. On the other hand, I've been let go or gotten a "fix-it ticket" when I deserved worse and had other encounters with officers where their presence helped my situation. I don't know, guys. The only conclusion I come to is that police officers are just people. Some are good, some are bad, they want to do the right thing, they sometimes make mistakes. I am cautious of them, but I also teach my kids to look for someone in uniform if they're ever in trouble.
Alan Tudyk, he's an actor and shit 13 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Yarr, Peter!
Captain Underpants Gold 15 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
We love Captain Underpants in my family, from my kids to my parents.
The hardest things to say are the ones that mean the most. 11 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
The hardest things to say are the ones that mean the most.
You gotta 21 comments
somechik · 9 years ago
Short, adult lady here...jump up and miss.