

That asshole.

— soullesspegasus Report User
Write some nicknames of your teachers 48 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
I wonder if teachers give stidents nicknames?
This. Band. Is. Amazing. 9 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Thank you for introducing me to this
Happy fallentine 5 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
What is that?
Finally the truth! 29 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Lol friend of mine was called racial slurs and got food thrown at her and the kid who did it got a "talking to" by the counciler but only after multiple other kids came foreward because he had done the same to them
Someone really should have thought out this design more 8 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Oh i think they thought it out nice and thoroughly
Poor doggo got his identity stolen 1 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Ifentity theft is not a joke, jim. Millions of families suffer rvery year
Not all heroes wear capes 5 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
She looks like mona lisa
Damn woman 11 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
What's her name? I want to know for... Reasons...
Mayonnaise is an instrument 3 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Oh my fucking god why does this not ha e more likes????
I Know I Do 45 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Then would the male version of you look like a woman????
I Know I Do 45 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
(Cough cough twins are not identical if they are of the oposite sex, that's called fraternal for those of you downvoting hawk2hawk)
I Know I Do 45 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Thought he was a cockey douche.... Wait...
I Know I Do 45 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Already met him. Hated the guy.
wtf he looks so good *fans self* 14 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Don't tell me he don't looks hella fine
Wait a second 8 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
2nd pick: *when you realize it wasn't a fart*
Just Trying to provide for the Family! 4 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Her face says "idk either"
Triggered 29 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Gender is not the same as sex (sexes being penis and vagina determined) what you mean is two sexses and thats not even true because intersex is a thing that exists sooo still no. From a scientific standpoint gender doesn't even exist outside of society soooo....
spongechu pikabob 8 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Pikachu face on sponge body is kawaii tho
Are you the f**k up one? 24 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
*the goth causin raises hand defeatedly* me
3 · Edited 7 years ago
I actually think this happened to me in Primark once... :/ 15 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
And now, the weather.
Even if you go beyond the obvious physical differences 14 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
But telling someone what to do, or what they should do, or assuming what they do; is.
Who wore it better? 10 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
You beat me to it
· Edited 7 years ago
Lightning's pretty cool 14 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
Lasst pick is not true. Thats a drip castle. A sand castle made by dribbling mud in the same place for a long time.
X-Ray of a pregnant cat 9 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago
5 maybe 6 kittens
Death Note and Fun 9 comments
soullesspegasus · 7 years ago