

I'm from the UK, I'm 23 y/o (as of 2023) and I am currently in university. My hobbies are being dumb
Spazz Report User

shred every boomer down to the last atom

shred every boomer down to the last atom

hug your homies with extra chromies

hug your homies with extra chromies

Ulcerative Colitis sucks balls, lost 8 kilos in 3 months. Slow treatment bc lockdown F Funsubsters

Ulcerative Colitis sucks balls, lost 8 kilos in 3 months. Slow treatment bc lockdown F

Im halfway there

Im halfway there

Day 5 of Quarantine. I have reverted to looking at cat pics online. Look how he squattt

Day 5 of Quarantine. I have reverted to looking at cat pics online. Look how he squattt

Twist his d*ck off, Bernie

Twist his d*ck off, Bernie

What, you egg? GIF

What, you egg?

relatable mayn GIF

relatable mayn

go feed a homeless person, or give a friend a hug. idk. do something nice.

go feed a homeless person, or give a friend a hug. idk. do something nice.

can confirm

can confirm