I'll either give you a scientific breakdown, a tl;dr of a clickbait title, or beg for help in suicide jokes. <3
— spiderwoman Report User
Thank you for this culture, liberals 28 comments
· 6 years ago
Please leave your bubble and keep your bigotry out of civilized society.
Thank you for this culture, liberals 28 comments
· 6 years ago
There's a bit more to it than this. He also added 'RT if women don't have penises'. It seems pretty targeted towards transwomen. Angelos Sofocleous, an assistant editor at Durham University's philosophy journal, has an obligation to advocate for lgbt rights or at the very least not go directly against them. There's also the fact that he was indeed wrong.
He had deleted the tweets, but I've read that he has also made several other anti-LGBT statements.
Further, the president of the Philosophy Society, Ryan Lo, said, "Durham University Philosophy Society has a duty to act within the best interests of all of its members, therefore is committed to equality and diversity and to our democratic principles as a group of Durham Student's Union. We do not tolerate practices of racism, sexism, or trans-exclusionary sentiments."
tl;dr He made a comment that directly opposed his orginazation and was fired for it. Not really a surprise.
Edited 6 years ago
He had deleted the tweets, but I've read that he has also made several other anti-LGBT statements.
Further, the president of the Philosophy Society, Ryan Lo, said, "Durham University Philosophy Society has a duty to act within the best interests of all of its members, therefore is committed to equality and diversity and to our democratic principles as a group of Durham Student's Union. We do not tolerate practices of racism, sexism, or trans-exclusionary sentiments."
tl;dr He made a comment that directly opposed his orginazation and was fired for it. Not really a surprise.
That's actually pretty clever 22 comments
· 6 years ago
Oh dear, a dry throat isn't very good. *hands you some water* There ya go :)
Why do I find this funny yet interesting,. (Headshot dinging sound) 5 comments
· 6 years ago
This reminds me vaguely of the Missing Bullet Holes. Abraham Wald was "assigned" to decide where to armor the planes that were being shot down in WW2. Everyone else was putting more armor where they found the most bullet holes, but Wald had a different idea. He put the armor where the planes had no bullet holes. His reasoning was that the planes that were shot in those areas were destroyed. He was very much responsible for saving the lives of thousands and winning several battles.
I say "allowed" because, to my knowledge, he wasn't even really allowed to know about it. He was more like that friend who isn't allowed to be in the breakroom at work... But he's coming into that breakroom.
I say "allowed" because, to my knowledge, he wasn't even really allowed to know about it. He was more like that friend who isn't allowed to be in the breakroom at work... But he's coming into that breakroom.
WE DID IT BOIISSSS 10 comments
WE DID IT BOIISSSS 10 comments
· 6 years ago
It's a wild internet thing to get Stefan Karl, Robbie Rotten, to 1,000,000 subscribers after his early death, age 43. I'm not entirely sure why this trend started, but I'm happy to see that his family will be getting the Golden Play Button.
You probably know him as the evil guy in "We are Number One!"
You probably know him as the evil guy in "We are Number One!"
Still to this day 9 comments
· 6 years ago
I was actually riding with my little cousin (He was like seven) and we drove past a field of cows. He pointed and called my sister's name with complete certainty.
This is the main reason I think he's kinda cool.
This is the main reason I think he's kinda cool.
Gauge indicating how your fragile package has been handled in shipping 5 comments
· 6 years ago
That's... kinda naive. Maybe my boss should just trust me when I say that I worked 161 hours this week. Why make sure that I did when he could just trust that I have?
Wow 23 comments
· 6 years ago
By slowly he means around the time it takes your brain to fire a single neuron.
He knows 14 comments
· 6 years ago
I know a transgirl who calls herself a trap. She even has a little maid dress! It's adorable af
And the rest is history 2 comments
Beauty is in the eye of the painter 9 comments
· 6 years ago
It did greatly depend on the region, but humans are very good at cleaning themselves usually. Societies who don't clean themselves tend to die pretty quickly.
Beauty is in the eye of the painter 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Bathing was actually quite common before even for common folk. The people who could afford the money to have paintings done of themselves were also pretty well fed without any unhealthy things found in today's food.
Painters also had a tendency to put themselves into the painting. You usually can't trust a painting to accurately show what that person looked like as it's usually a mix of both the person paying for the painting as well as the painter themself.
Both of those reasons are why you don't really see short-term blemishes in paintings.
Edited 6 years ago
Painters also had a tendency to put themselves into the painting. You usually can't trust a painting to accurately show what that person looked like as it's usually a mix of both the person paying for the painting as well as the painter themself.
Both of those reasons are why you don't really see short-term blemishes in paintings.
Without efforts you can not get results 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Effort and the journey are different things. I don't care if a bad writer worked for twenty years on a book. If that book isn't better than one that took twenty days, then I'll care about the latter far more.
Gauge indicating how your fragile package has been handled in shipping 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Ikr. How dare they demand that their fragile goods are handled carefully after paying extra for it?!
Ad sense goin for the low hanging fruit 8 comments
· 6 years ago
It goes against the principle. First you're clicking the ad to go to the website and next you're clicking the ads for hot singles in your area.
How to carbon date a lamp post 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Another way to tell the age is by counting the reposts. This is maybe the fifth?
You know who you are 1 comments
· 6 years ago
It may come as a surprise to some, but you don't have to beat your child to discipline them.
When your dream is to beat girls you have to make the sacrifices needed 21 comments
· 6 years ago
Everyone has their personal goals, true, but you are forgetting that humans are willingly to sit and stare at someone while their eyes are burning just to win a competition. If you put some people together with a competition, then you'll notice that they will work far harder in order to win.