I'll either give you a scientific breakdown, a tl;dr of a clickbait title, or beg for help in suicide jokes. <3
— spiderwoman Report User
That's how much comes out 9 comments
Rainbow 27 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually, I think God stole the rainbow from nature. Kinda like that dude who didn't work on the project, but he puts his name on the paper before you turn it in.
Roasting a flat earther 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Sadly enough, it's very much a real thing. A failure of the education system in America.
There are more humans than nipples 7 comments
· 6 years ago
The webbing is basically an accessory. It's still considered two toes in biology.
So easy 29 comments
· 6 years ago
@i_ You have a very shallow and immature philosophy that I would expect to find from a teenager who has done nothing but superficial ideas and stick to them. All human life has value. I define value as allowing my life to be better. My life is better when society isn't crumbling like a society where human life has no value.
And before someone comments on the selfishness of this idea, morality is inherently selfish because its only purpose is to improve the quality of life of that individual. It just so happens that we are a social species, so what improves the quality for one person usually coincides with the quality of the society.
And before someone comments on the selfishness of this idea, morality is inherently selfish because its only purpose is to improve the quality of life of that individual. It just so happens that we are a social species, so what improves the quality for one person usually coincides with the quality of the society.
So easy 29 comments
· 6 years ago
Life doesn't have value. Human life does though. Human life has value because said value allows for the prosperity of our civilization.
Scumbag twins 7 comments
· 6 years ago
You're supposed to receive something from an investment. This was a donation/charity.
is it me or does this feel short? 6 comments
"I just wanted to show that chubby people also run"- Willians Astudillo 10 comments
· 6 years ago
How fucking strong do you have to be to carry a donkey? Why would you be carrying an ass??
If it works 2 comments
"I just wanted to show that chubby people also run"- Willians Astudillo 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Does anyone know the drag coefficient for fat people? How great would the jiggly-ness of them affect their top speed?
The truth has been spoken 6 comments
So proud of myself 3 comments
So easy 29 comments
· 6 years ago
Or you could recognize that human life has intrinsic value and that killing someone, regardless of the reasons, is a horrible action causing you to be guilty as well.
"I just wanted to show that chubby people also run"- Willians Astudillo 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Never stand in the way of a running fat person. Their speed decreases at a slower rate than they gain mass causing the force of impact to increase drastically. I recommend moving to the side as their increased weight will make them less capable of making sharp turns due to the extra energy needed to do so.
I knew it. He really is a Princess. 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I actually just watched Ragnarok, and I totally ship Thor and Hulk. Not Thor and Banner. Thor and Hulk.
Newest fashion 13 comments
· 6 years ago
As much as I want to disagree, I can't. Breasts are secondary sex characteristics while balls are primary ones. There's a difference in showing them.
Why would you even do that? It's gonna get cold, and your boys are just gonna shrivel up anyways.
Why would you even do that? It's gonna get cold, and your boys are just gonna shrivel up anyways.
A thought 3 comments
Random Man: *lives in desert and hallucinates* *creates Christianity*
You seem to be confusing bedtime stories with reality. Your god is a collection of pagan mythology gathered by humans which was converted into a single, barely coherent story that was popularized by people using it for political power (The Roman Empire allowed Christianity to flourish to maintain power), and then killed anyone who spoke against said religion. Get off your high horse and stop believing in magical sky daddies.