I'll either give you a scientific breakdown, a tl;dr of a clickbait title, or beg for help in suicide jokes. <3
— spiderwoman Report User
Magenta isn't real 14 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm very confused by what you mean. How can it be "Every other color" and "Only the one color" at the same time.
Childhood dream 6 comments
Magenta isn't real 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Not really. It's a combination of two of the cones (The color detectors) in our eyes being triggered causing our brain to say "This must be magneta". Two wavelengths cannot interfere with each other to form a brand new color. That's like two apples falling together and making a lamp... @moth
It's the very essence of reality 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Nope. Physics is what is actually happening. Physics is the gravity. Mathematics is the formula. The word "ball" doesn't suddenly become a ball and the actual ball doesn't stop being a ball. The word in this case is mathematics and the ball is physics.
Midlife crisis 11 comments
· 6 years ago
It doesn't really matter what he's done. You don't fucking humilate a child like this. This person needs to be either given a hefty fine or have their children taken from them as they obviously don't know how to handle them.
Creationism 21 comments
· 6 years ago
A theory is a fact that science is too humble to call a fact. The Theory of Evolution is a fact as much as The Theory of Gravity is a fact or Germ Theory is a fact.
Edited 6 years ago
Creationism 21 comments
· 6 years ago
It should never be taught in any science classroom. The only time it should be mentioned is in Mythology classes and it should be made very, very clear that it is on the same level as the Indian, Islamic, and other myths.
Elon musk time travel 16 comments
· 6 years ago
The ISS is still inside of Earth's atmosphere. It's not in space like people thinking.
It would indeed still be a problem, but it wouldn't be a major one. Let's go with the current sail's estimated size as 5318 meters squared. With one atom per centimeter, you'll have 531,800 impacts every centimeter moved. That's only 1.5E-18 newtons of force each. That makes the impact damage turn into pratically zero. I'm also no engineer, but I'm sure a drainage system could be created. Even so, ignoring debris, that would only be around 5.031109e22 atoms of the lightest element known to man. There are more atoms in a few grains of sand.
Look, I'm not saying "Psshh, that's easy shit" like you seem to think. I'm saying
"With the right amount of funding and preparation, it is very likely possible." I'm tired of arguing with your semantics. I'm gonna look at my memes.
Edited 6 years ago
It would indeed still be a problem, but it wouldn't be a major one. Let's go with the current sail's estimated size as 5318 meters squared. With one atom per centimeter, you'll have 531,800 impacts every centimeter moved. That's only 1.5E-18 newtons of force each. That makes the impact damage turn into pratically zero. I'm also no engineer, but I'm sure a drainage system could be created. Even so, ignoring debris, that would only be around 5.031109e22 atoms of the lightest element known to man. There are more atoms in a few grains of sand.
Look, I'm not saying "Psshh, that's easy shit" like you seem to think. I'm saying
"With the right amount of funding and preparation, it is very likely possible." I'm tired of arguing with your semantics. I'm gonna look at my memes.
Elon musk time travel 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Like I said, the speed isn't an issue in space. Destruction from speed is only caused by friction and collision with the air/water. There is very, very little air in space and will only be 0.1 particles per cubic centimeter compared to 10^19 particules on Earth.
Edit: Of course we need research and development. I need research and development to build my pool, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to mankind.
Edited 6 years ago
Edit: Of course we need research and development. I need research and development to build my pool, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to mankind.
Elon musk time travel 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. We are perfectly capable of creating these machines today. We have everything needed except the money to do additional research and testing. It's the same way NASA has the technology to go to Mars or explore the entire Solar System if only they had the funding.
What? 6 comments
· 6 years ago
The school she was working for had a policy of the lowest possible grade being 50%. These policies exist to essentially make it impossible to hold a student back as well as making the school look better than it actually is. The school essentially just wants to make more money without actually teaching the kids.
Elon musk time travel 16 comments
· 6 years ago
We actually do have the technology for self-replicating machines. It's just a matter of convincing governments to fund it. Also, velocity in space isn't like velocity on Earth where going fast causes you to catch on fire and break. In a vaccum, like space, going 1000km/h would feel the same as standing perfectly still. It also wouldn't be as much a rocket as it would be a boat that we shoot with lasers. I'm not joking. They essentially make a sail and shoot lasers at it. The sail would reflect the light and gain velocity from it which would continue to go faster and faster. This particular idea is a bit young, but it's still perfectly possible and, like with most things today, could be done in our lifetimes with only a bit of money.
People seem to think that advanced technology is in the far off future when it's actually already existing today. It's just a small loan of a billion dollars away which is actually pretty cheap in government standards.
People seem to think that advanced technology is in the far off future when it's actually already existing today. It's just a small loan of a billion dollars away which is actually pretty cheap in government standards.
Dave without eyelids 7 comments
· 6 years ago
...to make them more sensitive to pain and even give them PTSD. Basically every reason people give for circumcision comes from around fifty to a hundred years ago when medical safety was barely acknowledged. Circumcision is a horrible procedure that I'm honestly shocked isn't illegal.
Dave without eyelids 7 comments
· 6 years ago
You were still circucised as a child without your consent without medical reasons and without giving consent. It really does stop you from feeling a lot of pleasure during sex in the same way it does to women in the East. Everyone seems to agree that cutting of the labia of a baby girl is wrong, but it's so culturally ingrained in America that most don't see the hypocrisy. Looks are kinda irrelevant here. Of course a circumcised person would see a circumcised penis as looking better; you like what you're familiar with.
The myth that it is more sanitary is a combination of "If you cut out your lungs, you can't get lung cancer." and "You don't really need to wash your hands if you cut them off.". It's also not just a little bit of skin: It's half of all the skin on the penis. It's also very common for doctors to cut it off *without anesthesia* causing extreme pain in the infant and even with anesthesia it is still very painful . It can leave permanent damage to the child's brain to...
The myth that it is more sanitary is a combination of "If you cut out your lungs, you can't get lung cancer." and "You don't really need to wash your hands if you cut them off.". It's also not just a little bit of skin: It's half of all the skin on the penis. It's also very common for doctors to cut it off *without anesthesia* causing extreme pain in the infant and even with anesthesia it is still very painful . It can leave permanent damage to the child's brain to...
Elon musk time travel 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Not exactly. Ross 154 is a star that is almost exactly 10 light years away. We could send a self-replicating machine to that location. We already have the technology to accelerate things at speeds that could turn the travel time to 20-100 years. The machine arrives, replicates itself, and then scavenges materials from the surrounding star. They build the mirror and ta-da.
The biggest issue would be that the mirror would need to be absolutely massive in order for us to see. It would need to be a massive size in order to have a large enough angular diameter for us to see it even with the (I think) most accurate telescope - the Hubble Telescope. It would need to be 3,210,600,000 meters in diameter for the Hubble Telescope to see it. That is three times larger than the diameter of the sun which is only 1,391,000,000 meters in diameter. That much mass would just collapse into a star if it is possible for the materials to start fusion.
tl;dr The mirror is too big.
The biggest issue would be that the mirror would need to be absolutely massive in order for us to see. It would need to be a massive size in order to have a large enough angular diameter for us to see it even with the (I think) most accurate telescope - the Hubble Telescope. It would need to be 3,210,600,000 meters in diameter for the Hubble Telescope to see it. That is three times larger than the diameter of the sun which is only 1,391,000,000 meters in diameter. That much mass would just collapse into a star if it is possible for the materials to start fusion.
tl;dr The mirror is too big.
It's the very essence of reality 7 comments
· 6 years ago
It stops at physics. Mathematics are just the language we use to describe physics.
Now he knows better than everyone 5 comments
Thanos did nothing wrong 17 comments
· 6 years ago
Good and evil are very subjective unless you take the whole of humanity into account. If you look at it with the lense of humanity, then morality is what our genetic traits indicate us to be. For example, our genetics make us social creatures, so traits that encourages the advancement of humanity is moral. Murder prohibits said advancement, and therefore is immoral.
If you look at the universe as a whole, then morality is a stupid concept. It's a good thing that we humans are inherently self-centered and look at us though.
If you look at the universe as a whole, then morality is a stupid concept. It's a good thing that we humans are inherently self-centered and look at us though.
That's actually pretty clever 22 comments
· 6 years ago
Pretty much @serosenpai. I never understand why people freak out because we don't get to vote for the president. We are voting for the people who vote for the president. This actually makes the system better as it's far harder to have a corrupt system of 500+ people.
I would let him pump me 16 comments
· 6 years ago
I actually do have Irish blood, and I'm trying to cut off sugar from my diet as well.
Edited 6 years ago
When you have always been single and are desperate for a girlfriend 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Isn't there a pickup line about a guy admitting he is ugly and lowering her standards?
Now an excuse to be single 4 comments
Who is he 13 comments
How do I wear a strap on? 5 comments
· 6 years ago
If a guy wants to fuck a girl's pussy, he must have his pussy fucked too.