

Lawyer, musician, recovering addict, fangirl, and non-recovered internet addict. I love you all. (I'm the blonde.) Kisses and hugs.

— spiritanimal Report User
Restaurant is trying to rip some people off 20 comments
spiritanimal · 5 years ago
Wow, I never check this account but this just popped up on my random feed again and I saw my conversation with this guest. This guy is trying so hard to convince me that he's not gen z it's hilarious. "No, I promise we are the best generation!" And don't fucking tell me what I can and cannot call myself, GUEST. Calling myself an "old fart" is a term of endearment that you clearly aren't familiar with, because you're A CHILD. So fuck off and troll someone else. People like you are the reason this website sucks now. I've been a member since the beginning, and it used to be great. Fuck you and your peers for making everything so goddamn political and "P.C." Grow the fuck up. No one in the real world cares about your gender identity or how many participation trophies you have. Come talk to me once you've supported yourself outside of your family's house for years. Talk to me when you're married. Or when you have kids and a mortgage. Until then, STFU or I'll find your ass and show you.
This had me dead. Also, happy for op! 2 comments
spiritanimal · 5 years ago
Not necessarily their military issued weapons, but most buy/obtain weapons as civilians.
The holy day is 4/20/20... Whole month 4/20 holy spliffs! 6 comments
spiritanimal · 5 years ago
This. This is what I've been training for.
The branches of this tree 3 comments
spiritanimal · 5 years ago
This is Angel Oak in my hometown of Charleston, SC! Absolutely breathtaking.
Americans are... Americans 9 comments
spiritanimal · 5 years ago
Congratulations on your intelligent comment.
I hate cigarette smoke 2 comments
spiritanimal · 5 years ago
You're gross.
He won the battle but at what cost 3 comments
spiritanimal · 5 years ago
I might be dense, but I don't get it...
Honestly, unless its dessert, I usually double it. 18 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Oh, I gotcha. Thanks :) Love your username, by the way.
It's the little things that bring us joy 6 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
I think I've finally gotten too old for memes, because this goes right over my head. Not a negative comment here, just some self-realization.
Honestly, unless its dessert, I usually double it. 18 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
What dessert has garlic in it? (Edit: I haven't read through the comments, so someone might have already said this.)
The only thing that can stop us is vietnamese farmers 10 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Downvote for the title.
Going to church 5 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Believe it or not, this is a Miley Cyrus quote, I believe.
Its funny because its watermelon soap and hes.. 14 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
That's my partner. Not a fake person, unless I've been living with a ghost for years now. But keep trying, I'm sure you'll find something else to pick at me about.
· Edited 6 years ago
She is kinda special 9 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Oh okay, thanks for the correction!
She is kinda special 9 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
I really wish I had heterochromia. (Isn't that what it's called?) So beautiful. I would name this cat Bowie.
Its funny because its watermelon soap and hes.. 14 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
The title of this post offends me. That's all I was saying. I'm allowed to voice my opinion just like you are. And, if you read my initial comment, I mostly just talked about how cute the kid is. I'm a positive person. You're just trying to find someone to fight with because you're probably a 17 year old troll with nothing better to do. I come on this website for a few laughs after or on breaks from my very stressful job. I have to go back to real life now. I won't be responding to any more of your comments.
Its funny because its watermelon soap and hes.. 14 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Ummm no, the OP did when he or she chose the title, insinuation that because he appears to be black, therefore he must love watermelon. THAT'S what made it racial, not me.
6000 year old tree. Man for scale 5 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
It's called a Boabab tree, I believe. (My spelling is probably incorrect.)
Ross and Rachel 13 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
If anyone says anything about Friends still being on Netflix instead of those other shitty shows, ima lose it. Friends for life!
The Smell of Stress 21 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
I love this. The part about the seniors is so true.
Some men just want to watch the world burn 10 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Well that's just mean. I hate this meme. It's mostly just people justifying doing shitty things.
These one markers are quite tough 4 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Same here. My heart beats like a flippin' rabbit. The test would probably say I was dead.
Big ass keys 7 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
Fuck both of these people, they're both awful.
Restaurant is trying to rip some people off 20 comments
spiritanimal · 6 years ago
I did the math, too, and I mean, I hear you, but if you can't afford to tip properly, then you can't afford to eat out. That's just the truth, and any server or manager of any age/generation and any restaurant will agree. Managers usually want us to get a lot of tips, because then they get to pay us less, because of taxes. So just remember, if you feel like you're getting screwed by taxes, the servers are the ones who are really getting fucked. I've lived off of $30 every 2 days for a year when I was going to school. (And remember, I had to pay rent and my bills. And eat. On $15 a day.)