

— SquidNinja Report User
Haters gonna Hate 22 comments
squidninja · 7 years ago
It's called that because the ball is a foot long
Awkward anon 14 comments
squidninja · 7 years ago
I feel you bro
me 4 comments
squidninja · 7 years ago
When you're the best, you live on forever 14 comments
squidninja · 8 years ago
The original used an actual puppet dinosaur so it looked real
My childhood just ended tonight... 8 comments
squidninja · 8 years ago
Possibly the best of Sherlock 16 comments
squidninja · 8 years ago
It's bims the flowers not bins
Great father's day gift 7 comments
squidninja · 9 years ago
Umm sorry for bursting your bubble but you can buy that at paint a pottery then paint it so yeah
True !! 15 comments
squidninja · 9 years ago
Almost is a worse word
A new Facebook ap 1 comments
squidninja · 9 years ago
I gues it is just a blank space