True asf 5 comments
· 7 years ago
My students admit this to me. They say they only come so their parents don’t get arrested for educational neglect
An achievement 4 comments
· 7 years ago
The price is probably 2.49 and 9/10 of a cent. That’s how a lot of gas stations put their prices. So it’s basically 2.50 a gallon
Good professor 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I hve a class now and at week three we didn’t have a syllabus. She posted an assignment then berated is when no one did it but she didn’t send out an email or anything. She said it’s in the syllabus. She posted the syllabus between weeks two and three and didn’t tell anyone. Every time someone asked when we’d have it she was “still working on it”
*woosshhh*.... 3 comments
Karma is sweet 2 comments
· 7 years ago
A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. He lives on the corner of a three-way intersection and a drunk driver flew around the corner, crashed into his car, and fled. The only problem? He left behind his bumper and license plate. Caught the guy a few hours later
Great father 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I read he also did the same thing for her graduation. It’s gotta be rough sometimes
Say no more b*tch 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I got a stereotypical white girl tattoo before it became one. So I just added a bunch of shit around it so most people don’t notice it anymore
He has a point. 21 comments
· 7 years ago
@diyrogue If you’re not tenured they can let you go at the end of the year for using too many sick days even if you have a doctors note. They can’t fire you mid-year for it
He has a point. 21 comments
· 7 years ago
In my district teachers only get 10 sick days a year. I had pneumonia a few months ago and I was out for 4. If I get the flu I’m screwed bc then my sick days will basically be gone. Many of my coworkers came in when they weren’t fully recovered because you can get fired if you go over your 10 sick days
Relationship goals 4 comments
What's yours? 24 comments
· 7 years ago
My mom called me and sounded panicked. I ran down the stairs and tripped on something at the bottom and broke my ankle. Why was she screaming? She was watching Buffy, got confused, and needed me to explain what happened
Meds 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Ambien did this to me. I stopped it because I had no idea what I was doing at night
Young padawan 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes. My mom loves it. It’s terrible. Same thing every week: Sheldon is smart. Dumb family and dumb teachers don’t understand. Mom protects her precious angel. Grandma is an alcoholic, gambling asshole
Why some dread math. 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually if you go by the experiment conducted by Duncan MacDougall in 1901, the soul weighs 21 grams so your math is off
The truth has been spoken 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I went to my OBGYN for an exam 6 days ago. She said I’ll be getting my period really soon. It still hasn’t come. Can’t wait to see how bad this one will be :l
He would still be proud. 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I had one that had a hole on top. You fill it with water and it soaks through the material to the seeds
Science 7 comments
· 7 years ago
It’s all about repetition. If she says she is getting close, don’t change what you’re doing. Just keep doing the same thing. It works. Trust me
Emotional support corcodile 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Full story is that she was told multiple times, I think 3, before she even showed up to the airport that it wouldn’t be allowed on but she brought it anyway. Her fault
Freaking nsa 3 comments
· 7 years ago
My coworker texted me about how she wanted to get socks with her face on them for her boyfriend. Three minutes later, an ad for that product came up on my Facebook. I never looked up the product or even answered her text
Ice Cream is love 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I had a dream that I was having a conversation with someone. I was getting annoyed because every time they spoke, they just made grunting sounds and I couldn’t understand them. Turns out the grunting was my boyfriend snoring next to me
Just how I like my strawberries 5 comments
Here's to hoping the magic hasn't faded 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Coming from a teacher, yes. Plus a lot of my money in August-September especially goes towards supplies needed for my room that the school won’t pay for. We also have a paper ration (2 boxes for 4 months) so I’ve spent money on that. I work at a school where a lot of kids live below the poverty line so I always have snacks and water for them so they have the energy to focus in class. I’ve also taken on some of the assistant principal’s roles and because I have a contract I don’t get paid extra. That’s another issue. Administration makes way too much. Her salary alone is around $127k