

— strongsad Report User
I feel live I've had a stroke 10 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I think this is from Impractical Jokers. I seem to remember Q saying it.
Brilliant planning 3 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Oftentimes one or two of those type of pillars are removable with a large bolt. Sometimes large equipment has to be next to a building.
Pilot posing for a photo mid-flight 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
What plane is that anyway? European? Kinda looks like a F-111?
Pilot posing for a photo mid-flight 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. I was going to call him Goose.
Pilot posing for a photo mid-flight 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
That's the radar guy, not the pilot.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
@uchiha_tobi. You seem like humor is important to you, but you also have a determined gleam in your eyes. You also look a little tense, maybe stressed.
@tehimpala. You have smiling eyes too, full of energy and life. I feel like people cheer up when you're around.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I was actually hoping I was wrong. I don't like to see sadness in anyone's eyes. Even strangers.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
@spirithawk Your eyes seem to me friendly but strong willed. I feel like if I had a conversation with you, you would dominate it. Not in a bad way, just more expressive than most. If that makes sense.
@bookaholic Your eyes are intense. You look like a very focused person. I feel like you get into something and see it through to the end.
@claulamb You seem like a calm and caring person. You look easy going and you put others at ease. Your eyes give off a quiet confident vibe.
@silvermyth Your eyes are honest but I feel like there is a sadness hidden behind them. You seem to me to be a quiet reserved person who would rather curl up with a blanket and watch a good movie than go to a rowdy party.
As before, I may be wrong with everyone. I'm sure if I actually met any of you my impressions would change but this is what I notice first. I mean no offence to anyone. :)
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Lol, true. But just from your picture I feel like you'd be easy to talk to and you'd tell me if I had a booger hanging out my nose.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
@cakelover You seem like an open and honest dude. I feel like you are trustworthy.
Health hazard 13 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
At least you have a 1 in 3 chance to find the live hole. One is a neutral with no voltage and one is a ground also with no voltage. Even if you do hit the hot one you still have to make a path to ground. Still though, turn the juice off before opening it up. Electricity is very unforgiving. As an electrician for the railroad I work around 750 volts or more and am extremely careful around anything live no matter the voltage.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
@jade Thank you kindly. Everyone has a story and I really think that someone's eyes tell a lot of it.
@sassypotter I do the same thing, making people laugh at my own expense. I do it because when I was young I found that if I made the joke about myself before anyone else it would take the sting out of it. Takes the teeth out of being made fun of. I hope you are not bullied like I was.
@rosalinas I'm sorry I was wrong, that is just what I see looking at you.
@cakelover Thanks. I'm actually surprised that I got a few right, lol. Like I said earlier, I generally don't talk to anyone so it is all assumption.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
@amadog19 You have kind eyes. I get the feeling that you put others' feelings before your own and that you like to make those around you happy.
Health hazard 13 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
You should always turn the power off when working on electric. It's pretty foolish to work live and it takes a thorough understanding of electricity to do so.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
No offense is intended to anyone, like I said this is the thoughts I have when I look at people. I am probably way off but it doesn't matter as I will never see anyone here in real life. You all seem like good people.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
@grimreaper You seem like the type of dude who would rather have your headphones on listening to good music. Perhaps Pantera or Slayer? I feel like you would enjoy small close friends than big groups.
@serosenpai I feel like you are calm and collected. You seem like you would be the one leaning on the wall at a party observing everyone instead of the center of attention. But you would have a good sense of humor.
Let's make this into a game 71 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I notice the eyes first. Then the rest of the face follows. I feel like the eyes tell a story about the person and I always form an impression about them. Never found out if my impressions are right seeing as how I can't actually speak to people. lol
@sassypotter You have smiling eyes, you seem to me to be a caring, fun loving person. I feel like you laugh easily and often and you like to make others smile.
@rayofsunshine You have intellectual eyes. I feel like you've read many books. I feel as if you would be a deep conversationalist.
@spazz You seem to be a bit mischievous. I feel like you like a good joke but not at anyone's expense and would be fun to hang out with.
@yukihaki You look aloof and perhaps a bit untrusting. But when that trust is earned you would be a loyal friend. You seem like a quiet person.
@rosalinas You have smiling eyes too. I feel like you would be bright and cheerful and would enjoy being around many friends.
Best Illusion I have ever seen 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Creepy as hell and just as cool.
Which one are you? 11 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Second one. 42, no kids or wife.
Daily reminder to wear a helmet 4 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Yes your cheseness. I would like to send a prayer to the owner of that helmet to make a full and speedy recovery. In the name of the curd, the whey, and the holy cheddar.
Daily reminder to wear a helmet 4 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Cheezus. Hope you are alright.
If I had a hammer 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Look up a crows foot wrench, it is exactly that with the rest of the handle cut off.
Getting TIRED of your shit boy 13 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Probably because his skull shattered and possibly broke his neck.
Stop turning wombats into weapons 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
There was a dirt bike made in the seventies called a Combat Wombat made by Hodaka.