

— strongsad Report User
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Ok, not sure if you're just trolling me at this point.
You do you bud.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
The gas tank is not a sealed vessel. It will not become pressurized to the point of rupture. But if, god forbid, you find yourself in that situation you go right ahead and pull the nozzle and spread the fire as much as possible. What do I know, I'm just a firefighter trained in such things.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Fast forward to 3:47 to see what happens when you remove the nozzle.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
The tank is not pressurized. Not only is it vented, the cap is open. What you are talking about is called a "BLEVE". Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. This can happen with propane tanks and the like. That's when the pressurized tank is heated to bursting pressure.
Fire needs 3 things to burn. Fuel, a source of ignition, and oxygen. The last thing you want to do is expose as much fuel as possible to oxygen which is what happens when you take the nozzle out. The fire will probably be contained to the fill tube as the vapors come out but being as there is not enough oxygen in the tank to sustain combustion the fire won't travel down the fill into the tank.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
And that boys and girls is why you don't pull the nozzle out when there is a fire. It turns into a flamethrower.
When life hands you lemons!!! Become a flamingo! 9 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
It's a major award.
Buddhist Monk burns himself alive in protest - Vietnam, 1963 9 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
There is a video of this too somewhere. He sat there motionless and burned until he fell over. I couldn't even imagine...
A wholesome Mr. Rogers comp 10 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
He was a beautiful man. No not like that lol, he worked so hard to bring joy, hope, and happiness to everyone. Same with Bob Ross. They both seemed to want nothing more than the whole world to smile.
It amazes me that they are of the same species as those that kill and hurt and hate.
Yah I just searched it on amazon. Cant see what im looking for 48 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I-pad, I-pod, I-mac
Yah I just searched it on amazon. Cant see what im looking for 48 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Keys? Key lime pie...kangaroo. Knife. Knotsberry farm groceries. Kraft mac n cheese. A koala bear...
Hypnotic eyes are hypnotic 16 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Piercing eyes. It would be hard to lie to a gaze like that.
strongsad · 7 years ago
Ok cool, thanks. I hear death note mentioned often along with attack in titan. I've never seen an anime series or movie (except for Bubblegum Crisis from the 80's). I need to check them out. The one with no-face and the huge gerbil thing look fun too.
Dog jump 6 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Wow! I hope it doesn't hurt the dog though. The prey drive can make them go a bit too hard.
strongsad · 7 years ago
I know that is George R. R. Martin, but who is the guy with the feather shoulders?
Senior cosplayer chooses less traditional characters 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
This post makes me happy.
A solar power system that mimics a sunflower 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Folding up would help in bad weather, also with transporting it for installation or repair.
It's Not What It Is, But What It Appears To Be 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Very clever. I wish I had that kind of artistic vision.
Insane control 11 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
There has to be a story here.
Checkmate 7 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Because the closer you get to the edge to more centripetal force there is flinging you off into space! Duh
The water stays because of surface tension.
This is science people.
Holding 400 tonnes of coal in one hand 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I assume it is uranium oxide?
It was his birthday! 9 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I hope this is true and the guy is enjoying his unique fame.
Plz use contraceptive. 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Holy crap, it's a vagina...not a clown car.
Certainly not 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Best movie ever.
Amazon CEO body transformation (Jeff Bezos) 6 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
The guy in the first picture looks like he is about to give me his lunch money.
The guy in the second picture looks like he is going to send me on a suicide mission.