

— strongsad Report User
Did you at least wait until she was done? 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Her face makes me sad. There is no hope or joy to be seen there.
Did you at least wait until she was done? 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I wonder where life went wrong.
Great to be deaf 15 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
These Hyoo? These Hoox? These Heyoo?
Browsing in Fresh 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
What in the hell is he doing?
Please remember my dream 4 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I hate that so much. I wake up remembering being happy or in love or triumphant and try desperately to hold on to that feeling only to have it fade all too quickly.
Yes! 45 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
The nice one. The smart one. The respectful one. The responsible one.
If the hottest girl in the world is a rude, vapid, useless moron then I have exactly zero use for her.
Will you survive? 54 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Pretty sure it is detachable. The doctor attached it to her after a car accident or something.
I guess she would do all the banging? ba-dum-tsss
Everyone needs to know this 7 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Verizon math. Look it up on the youtube.
Will you survive? 54 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I believe that is Rose Magowan from Grindhouse. A fun campy zombie movie.
Phenomenal bird 12 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Thank you :)
Looks like the one. Every full body picture of it looks like someone photoshopped pants on it.
8 · Edited 7 years ago
Phenomenal bird 12 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
What kind of bird is it? I'm intrigued.
Will you survive? 54 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I get machine gun leg.
Black woman protecting a fallen racist from a crowd 16 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
By attacking them you are giving them a voice and validation. A racist yells about black people being violent...he gets attacked...he says "see? Told you so"
People do things to get a reaction, give them none and they will shut up.
Immoral f*cktards like this can go f*ck themselves 19 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Unless the dog was too aggressive with the family, the family can in fact go to hell.
Nicolas cage, the early years 9 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Crispin Glover was in that bit too.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Ok, not sure if you're just trolling me at this point.
You do you bud.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
The gas tank is not a sealed vessel. It will not become pressurized to the point of rupture. But if, god forbid, you find yourself in that situation you go right ahead and pull the nozzle and spread the fire as much as possible. What do I know, I'm just a firefighter trained in such things.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Fast forward to 3:47 to see what happens when you remove the nozzle.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
The tank is not pressurized. Not only is it vented, the cap is open. What you are talking about is called a "BLEVE". Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. This can happen with propane tanks and the like. That's when the pressurized tank is heated to bursting pressure.
Fire needs 3 things to burn. Fuel, a source of ignition, and oxygen. The last thing you want to do is expose as much fuel as possible to oxygen which is what happens when you take the nozzle out. The fire will probably be contained to the fill tube as the vapors come out but being as there is not enough oxygen in the tank to sustain combustion the fire won't travel down the fill into the tank.
Woman ignites man's fuel pump after he refused to give her a cigarette 21 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
And that boys and girls is why you don't pull the nozzle out when there is a fire. It turns into a flamethrower.
When life hands you lemons!!! Become a flamingo! 9 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
It's a major award.
Buddhist Monk burns himself alive in protest - Vietnam, 1963 9 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
There is a video of this too somewhere. He sat there motionless and burned until he fell over. I couldn't even imagine...
A wholesome Mr. Rogers comp 10 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
He was a beautiful man. No not like that lol, he worked so hard to bring joy, hope, and happiness to everyone. Same with Bob Ross. They both seemed to want nothing more than the whole world to smile.
It amazes me that they are of the same species as those that kill and hurt and hate.
Yah I just searched it on amazon. Cant see what im looking for 48 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I-pad, I-pod, I-mac