

— strongsad Report User
that moment, when reality kicks back in.. :/ 12 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
It does hurt, but she is happy so I am happy for her.
10/10 would ride into battle 4 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Why is it so windy there?
That tall guy 3 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Where the hell do you get pants that long?
The more you know 5 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
It's true. Heads in fridges.
Reality of makeup 11 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Phantom of the opera
Doggo trapped in some Sheepos 3 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Girl makes presentation on why her crush should date her. A+ For Effort!! 19 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I'm disappointed for her. I think it was a clever and fun attempt. Hope she finds her happiness.
Yeah, buttfeed 23 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Why are cargo shorts so bad? I don't understand.
So classy 1 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Riverbottom Nightmare Band!!
Tomato fighters 11 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Bradley looks fabulous.
American movies logic 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
We do?
American movies logic 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Why wouldn't the soldiers feel sad. They are doing as they are told and they are the ones dealing with tbe people first hand. Pvt. Snowball and Pvt. Joker didn't decide to invade the country but are expected to die for it.
Swept with the wind 6 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
The only friends you need 3 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I wonder why he is wearing pants over his pants.
Even at 79, you can still love memes 2 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
At 42 years old this is still true. Love my nan.
Have you eaten lunch yet? 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Ya, I know. Just going with the americans are overweight stereotype.
A joke like American tourists are visiting London in record numbers causing havoc with the sewer system.
· Edited 7 years ago
Have you eaten lunch yet? 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
<insert 'Murcia joke here>
Why u do this goverment? 27 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
True but it's not the norm. Alcohol can and does make smart people do incredibly stupid things and regret it in the morning.
Weeee... 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Close, I live on Long Island NY. Been past Whitehall St. lol.
I had no idea it is common to be played, I thought our station was special. lmao
I do like going up to NE though, there are some great motorcycle rides to be had and beautiful views, like the Canker pass...Kukamunga? Chimichanga Pass? Kampermondo..I can never remember the name of it but it was awesome.
Weeee... 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
There are all sorts of mean nasty ugly people on the group w bench. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father rapers.
There is a radio station by me that plays this every Thanksgiving, it's a tradition now to listen.
Weeee... 8 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Whatta ya in for?.......littering.
And they all moved away from me on the bench there.
And creating a nuisance. :)
Isn't Sephora the tier 8 girl from unORDINARY? 22 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
No you're thinking of Sephardi. Sephora is the ancient Greek playwright.
Isn't Sephora the tier 8 girl from unORDINARY? 22 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
That's Slytherin, sephora is a really expensive yellow colored spice used in risotto.
Isn't Sephora the tier 8 girl from unORDINARY? 22 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Isn't sephora what the mentats drink to make the thoughts gather speed and stain the lips?
4 · Edited 7 years ago