

— strongsad Report User
Whuuuuuttttt??? 11 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Holy sh!t
I honestly have no clue what it is you guys want anymore so here, take this. 11 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
We need Ripley to kill it.
Big blind spots 12 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
That's what he see (or doesn't see) in his mirrors. Point being it's easy to lose a car in the blind spot on the highway. I see people doing that all the time to trucks, jump quick into the lane next to the truck while in the blind spot.
Tonights the night! 9 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
It fires at a rate of 70 per second 9 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I heard there is an environmental issue now because the projectile is made of depleted uranium.
Your kids are going to hate you 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Well yeah, but man-feet are the worst. I don't mind if a girl is wearing sandals or flip-flops but a
How to tie an awesome knot 17 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
They left out the part where you tie the whole mess around a small ball.
That knot needs a sphere as its core.
Your kids are going to hate you 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Gross. Man-feet give me the heebie-jeebies.
Educate yourself already 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
And there will be people who actually believe some of these things.
That hurts 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Anyone know what happened to her? She seems to be in immense pain.
In case of difficult day, apply floor to the face 2 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
97, 98, 99, 100! Ready or not here I come!
Poor thing, he must be afraid of height 8 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
What the dagron really needed was consumate V's...and a beefy arm on his neck.
Dad is still strong 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Dude should be wearing more swimsuit.
Rabbits are probably born wise or Chinese or both 9 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
The cruel tutelage of Bun Mei.
This guy's job 15 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Solid 11 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
That was probably the same time that gay meant happy and queer meant weird.
My grandma still uses queer to mean weird or odd.
Who am I? What am I? 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
His name has to be Nicodemus.
that moment, when reality kicks back in.. :/ 12 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
In my case, it is not a saving kind of love. She needs no saving. She is happily married with a family and I couldn't be happier for her. It's kinda hard to explain. I fell in love with her years ago but I know I'm not the right guy for her so I am glad she is where she is at. He's a good dude so she belongs with him.
Of course I wish I could love someone who would reciprocate it back to me in the same way but that just doesn't seem to be in the cards. That may change in the future but being middle aged makes it that much harder, that along with a plethora of personal issues. Not trying to make excuses, I just know my limitations and accept them. I'm ok with who I am.
Make that 3 spoons 6 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I'll take 2 to go.
More like I love my job 3 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
That reminds me of my old Hot Wheels track.
Police selfies 4 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I love her smile.
that moment, when reality kicks back in.. :/ 12 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
Right, my life is exactly where I put it. No regrets, it is a simple life. Boring but simple. Lol
that moment, when reality kicks back in.. :/ 12 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
True, but sometimes the only love you have is what you can give to someone else.
It is also true that most people are special but there are some of us that are nameless, faceless, replaceable, and forgettable. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I accept my role in this world. For people like me, there is no happy ending but what I can do is try to help someone else be just a bit happier, maybe give one more smile in their life. That is what makes me happy.
Patrick stewart everyone 30 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
I thought he lived in Brooklyn.
Patrick stewart everyone 30 comments
strongsad · 7 years ago
That really looks like a Patrick Stewart action figure.