

— strongsad Report User
Funny interaction 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Right! The person saying it obviously wants you to have a happy day (or days) so why is it an issue? Other than a chance to be offended at something of course.
If Bob Ross had dogs 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Step your game up 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Gender neutral name 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Fighter Fighterfighter.
Funny interaction 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Can't people just say thanks and move on with life? Here's a little help...
1-Merry Christmas.
2-Happy Hanukkah
3-Happy Kwanzaa
4-Happy Festivus
Not too hard.
I beg 10 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Sure, but she felt we wouldn't work out, I accepted it and did my best to move on. I didn't hold it against her, sure I was disappointed but if doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. Not much I can do about it. There are no bad feeling between us and I am happy she is happily married with a great family.
There were a few other girls I knew over the years too but they too weren't interested. I understand, nobody wants to wake up next to the fat guy so I held no ill will towards anyone. I know my place and will not be a creep or whatever else most people here will think of me. But I will say that at this point in my life I will NOT tell anyone about a crush ever again and I do my best to keep a distance from most people.
I beg 10 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Not sure what is ironic but ok. Just figured I'd share my experiences.
Gender neutral guide 56 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Oman = Ofighter
Manometer = Fighterometer
Manners = Fighterners
I beg 10 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I always thought it meant they were tired of watching their crush be hurt over and over again by douchebags. As someone who has been "friendzoned" countless times I sometimes got frustrated watching girls date a known cheater or a known abuser and I felt somehow inferior to these dudes.
When a girl I liked found a good man who is good to her I am truly happy for her.
Don't bother me - I'm working 12 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Hey that's my county!
Funny way to piss them off 12 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I had mice a couple years ago, I picked up some of those hav-a-heart traps and an aquarium. Captured 7 of them and took them to a woods a few miles away and released them. While I am in no way in support of PETA or anything like that, I just didn't feel right killing the mice for doing mice things. No harm in their intention so no harm came to them. Just live your little mouse lives somewhere else.
Next level gaming 11 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I made the transformer noise looking at this.
A healthy M and a comfy L 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
There is probably something in their head causing the to eat too much. Maybe as a kid food was used as a reward instead of praise. Maybe food was a way to keep the child quiet instead of dealing with him. Maybe as an adult the child grew up associating food with feeling better. Maybe as a result the persons self esteem sunk so low that he wondered why bother going to a gym. Maybe he was laughed out of a gym. Maybe he got so used to being the butt of the jokes he started making them himself. Maybe the only attention he got was being that joke.
Surely it must be because he is a lazy slob.
Santa just likes some kids better 19 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
When I was young I remember getting a box of used toys, some of which were broken. I remember telling my mom that santa didn't bring anything I wanted and looking back I can't imagine the heartbreak I caused saying that. It still bothers me to this day, at 43 years old, that I did that. Not really sure if the santa myth is a good one. Why do gifts have to come from a mythological character anyway and what does it have to do with the birth of Jesus or the winter solstice?
You can actually hear them coming 3 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
LOL, seriously. Going that fast next to stone walls and through a town.
Oh good Lord. 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I'm glad she is better, that is such a dark and sad dating profile.
You can actually hear them coming 3 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Looks like the Isle of Mann TT. If you've never heard of it, check it out. One of the greatest motorcycle races in the world. Craziest too.
The perfect 8 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Feh, those rifles don't use belted ammunition.
Good thinking 3 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
He's lucky it worked. I was involved with a wildfire on Long Island back in 95, most of the Hamptons were burning. One if the biggest issues we had was the fact that all the fire hydrants were empty. The whole system had zero water pressure. They ended up trucking water in in tankers.
We learned the hydrants were dry when we hooked up to one and opened up the deck gun. The deck gun puts out about 1000gpm and we had a 500 gallon tank on the pumper. 30 seconds of water and it shut off.
Kidneys 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Always been fascinated by things like this. Fetishes and the like. How do things like that get sexualized? And why is a foot fetish so unacceptable? I don't understand it but it doesn't bother me either, seems pretty tame to many other more extreme fetishes. Also, how does one broach the subject with a lover? "Hey honey, could you stick your big toe in my mouth?" Maybe it's just my inexperience with being intimate but I'd think it would be really awkward discussing stuff like that.
Aftermath of violent battle between two stags 32 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
How did the head come off though? I find it hard to believe he just ripped it off. Maybe he came across an already deceased stag?
Just circle 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
The white fur looks like a polar bear sauntering away.
Eminem isn't even candy!! 36 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Tool is not even handy.
Train doesn't even run on rails.
Slipknot isn't even made out of rope.
Blue Oyster Cult is neither seafood nor a cult.
Flock of Seagulls can't even fly.
Genesis wasn't even in the bible.
Weezer doesn't even have asthma.
The Who all have names.
Led Zeppelin never led a blimp anywhere.
Iron Maiden isn't made of metal nor are they a medieval torture device.
Biohazard isn't even dangerous to the environment.
Ministry isn't even a church.
Disturbed seems pretty sane.
ha. This is fun.
Colombian police disarm man with grenade 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Gives a new meaning to hot potato.
Mirror-less Mirror 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
He could be sticking his hand in motor oil.