

— strongsad Report User
I just heard of these girls and I'm blown away. 11 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Lol, can't think of it as a waste. They are probably having the time of their lives touring the world and look at how many people their music is reaching. They are entertaining fans in the tens of thousands at a time. Pretty sure they have other projects...I would hope they do, they are incredibly talented.
I just found out one of the guitarists passed away a few days ago in an accident. :(
I just heard of these girls and I'm blown away. 11 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Metal head too, for the past 30 or so years. Have to say I was a bit shocked at the vocals at first. But I'm hard pressed to think of another band that puts so much effort into live performances. They certainly seem to have a passion about what they are doing.
And (being middle aged and not having too much teen angst anymore) I like the positive and uplifting vocals. I know they aren't for everybody but I like them.
Octopussy 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I find these things utterly fascinating.
Octopussy 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Life hack 8 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
No...? Big white beard and snow white hair with a body built like a fire hydrant. And I don't really know what counts as attractive for old men in the early 90s. Lol.
Life hack 8 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Seriously, my friends father once answered the door dressed in a washcloth. Just that 8 inch by 8 inch piece of fabric.
Pants would have been nice.
Life hack 8 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Brilliant! Actually gonna use that.
Agree? 10 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Bad everything. Lol
Agree? 10 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I had a good paying job for 18 years that I just gave up 1 1/5 years ago. Making a little over half my previous pay but I don't regret it one bit. Making money is fine but when the thought of going into work makes you want to end yourself it just isn't worth it. Hated the job, hated the area I was working, hated the union I was in...everything about the job was bad except the pay check. My new job has been great overall and I am much happier now. The money is tight but I'll manage.
Car for wheelchair users 15 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Could be a small storage compartment in the front. I bet it's electric with a flat battery in the floor so the hood area could be open.
Car for wheelchair users 15 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago is another option (presumably more affordable than a conversion van with a lift) for easy, convenient transportation. Jjst because it doesn't do everything doesn't mean it is useless.
Do you remember 13 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I remember my dad putting up the movie screen and watching the old 8mm home movies. No sound except the clatter of the projector doing it's thing and mom or dad narrating.
Anotren? 179 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Inchkap. Hah.
This sign in rural South Africa 7 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
No Urinating
Eggs Scissors!!
All hail the queen!! 11 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I don't think an English Literature degree is all that easy and I don't think physically being in England helps either.
This game sucks 106 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Now it's a real party 9 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Sorry about your dad. I've known some people who have done the same and it hurts to think of them in that state of mind. Not offended by the humor nor do I find fault in those that do, just bums me out.
Now it's a real party 9 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
These bum me out. If someone is really feeling this way, this is a cry for help. Personally I have trouble finding humor with suicide jokes.
Japanese App developer uses an iPhone X to make his face invisible, projecting the wall 2 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
That is equal parts awesome and terrifying.
Good idea 7 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Looks just like a regular family sedan then bam! It's the police!
Spider weaving web 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I have, I usually have a big wolf spider make a web on my porch light. I leave the light on so he (or she) is well fed.
Micron snowman 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Is this what all the funding goes for?
Good cause it's pretty neat.
Spider weaving web 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Until I find him inside my helmet on the motorcycle. O.O
Spider weaving web 6 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
I could watch that for hours. Fascinating.
It never occurred to me in essays that it was spelt “scissors” 9 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Why are the esses even there? It should be z's.
And why the hell isn't phonetically spelled phonetically??
Furthermore...who is the dick that put an "s" in tbe word lisp?!