

— strongsad Report User
This shark is tired of your shit 1 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It looks he goes laughing away..
Ptooey! Bwahahahahaha!
Luxury air conditioned lawn mower of the 1950's 9 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Hey man (woman?) I meant no offense to you, my comment was more directed toward misplaced efforts by lawmakers and enviromentalists who think that lawnmowers, motorcycles, weedwackers, etc. are a significant contributor to the worlds pollution problems. Instead of funding projects for sustainable energy they go after easy targets. Joe-schmo with his old lawn boy mower is easier to push around than National Grid. Instead of putting effort into forcing the rich folk with waterfront property to <gasp!> see a windfarm they push for catalytic converters on motorcycles. I live on Long Island and a few years ago a windfarm was proposed in the ocean off the south shore but people didn't want to see it so it was scrapped. It frustrates me that the government kowtows to people like that over such important issues.
So anyway, I have no issue with your comment.
I am curious though, does your screen name mean grand sick wolf? My Spanish is rusty.
Luxury air conditioned lawn mower of the 1950's 9 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Could also be the massive coal fired power plants providing electricity for our shiny new electric cars or the huge factories making batreries from toxic materials for our green devices...nah...must be lawn mowers.
Got a new tattoo! 14 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Nice! And Uncle Iroh is as good a hero as any.
Cheese is the reason why I could never be vegan 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I had someone mad at me for not liking american cheese. Cheese seems to be a very emotional subject for people.
This is the New York Review of Books office 4 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
His name?! We threw away his name!!
Poor guy 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
That sounds terrible.
Bad parenting moment 10 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
<record scratch...freeze frame>
Yup that's me with the dog. You may be wondering how I got into this situation...
All this technology making us asocial 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Ok, ya got me. I must've been mistaken all those years ago.
But in all honesty, a newspaper just isn't as interesting as these phones. The paper is limited in the information it can convey so people spent less time with them. Our phones are basically limitless with what you can do with it so people spend more time glued to it as opposed to a newspaper. I think that is the gist of the original post.
Wtf nicolas cage? 3 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
They should put Leonard Smalls in the back behind the flowers.
All this technology making us asocial 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
The difference being people didn't read the newspaper while driving, while at the dinner table, in the movie theater, while walking, in bed, at a funeral, in class, at a friends house, etc. etc.
Speech -100 18 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
This is very similar to Impractical Jokers.
This marriage is dead 5 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
That is incredibly sad.
Fallon d'Floor: Steven Berghuis (Feyenoord) 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Why do soccer/football players do this? Is it a joke? Are they trying to prove something?
Someone's gonna love this and someone's gonna hate it. 12 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
A black guy, a jewish guy, an italian guy, 2 ducks, and a horse walk into a bar.
Bartender says "what is this, some kind of joke?"
Friday dance 4 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Ready to Monday.
Hope I get hired 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Ok. You win. Congratulations.
Hope I get hired 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Not if you want to play in someone elses sandbox. If you come to my house and I want you to take your shoes off, you either take them off or go on your way. Question all you want, it's my house and either do as I say or split. Same with finding a job, want to work there? Play their game. When you are in a position to change things then do so otherwise your righteous indignation will cause you nothing but problems.
Just curious, are you a younger person?
Hope I get hired 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
You're probably right, I don't work in the hiring department of my place, I am assuming as to what goes on. I figure there has to be a human reading the resumes and the sheer number of resumes they receive is staggering. The 3 people working in the hiring office would go blind if they had to read each one seperately.
Either way, there is no reason to answer like the original picture. Be an adult and answer like a respectful person. If someone wants to work somewhere, you have to play their game. It's not your place to question what they do if you are not in their employ yet.
Who gets it? 8 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Shh....I'm trying to make myself feel better.
Who gets it? 8 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
It's not the size that matters, it's how good it tastes.....ummm..yeah that's it.
7 · Edited 6 years ago
Hope I get hired 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
You really believe employers read every single resume that they get? An application gives the employer a way to weed out people not fit for the job, like the wise-ass filling one out above.
The job market being what it is, companies get hundreds of resumes for a position. They can't sit and read every single one. My job gets thousands of resumes every time they post an opening and there are only a handful of people who do the hiring.
If they read them all nothing would get done.
Hope I get hired 14 comments
strongsad · 6 years ago
Not by being a petulant child. Maybe different people read through applications and resumes. Maybe a group of human resource employees go through applications and pick out viable candidates and send them to a higher authority for closer then reading your resume.
Just fill out what they ask and stop being a 12 year old about it. It takes just as much effort to write your address as it does the snarky answer. Stop being a dick for the sake of being a dick.