

— strongsad Report User
And then everybody clapped! 76 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Huh. I am curious now, would you happen to have a link?
And then everybody clapped! 76 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
What is this Gillette ad I keep hearing about?
Douche flutes 17 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I do that. When I have a cigarette I stand away from everyone or hide behind buildings or dumpsters. It is my greatest shame. After, I wash my hands and face and chew a piece of gum. I know I still stink like an ashtray but maybe it alleviates some of the smell.
Trust me, I serve the best Hamberders 9 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Probably because people would've started yelling about using tax dollars.
Wheel explosion 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Possibly. Tires hold an enormous amount of energy and a catastrophic failure is pretty violent.
Old school, son! 24 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I like my women like women... women.
Pls explain 10 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I would venture a problem with the centrifugal clutch. If it started to drag a bit heating it up the drag will increase. Letting it idle and and continuously slip will heat it up in no time. The clutch on my shovelhead did that to me in traffic and I ended up having no clutch at all.
Uhm... Excuse me ? 12 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
So when does she start?
Really activates the almonds 22 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
If, just for arguments sake, race did factor into intelligence, would anyone believe the data?
A female researcher did a study about something like this and she was universally shunned for what the data said.
I don't know from any of this but I can't help but feel like if there was a racial correlation it would be ignored for PC's sake.
Sansa Stark & Brienne of Tarth & Jon Snow 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
They look like the music notes for "by Mennen"
Some Lord of the Rings Movie Trivia 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Me neither. Dancing arrows? Throwing their graduation hats in the air?
Now, that's what I call art! 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
The last pepe.
Glitch in the matrix in the matrix 6 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Isn't that a Pontiac? Grand Am or something?
If you were in a car, would you know what accident to do? 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I would do a number 2. First you say it, then you do it.
Keep this going!! 13 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
9....the animated movie with the burlap robot puppet things.
This diver swimming along side a Giant Octopus 11 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Swim swim!
Ride the currents!
His tentacles wave and his butt squirts ink
Oh don't you see what I mean!
If there is a God, he must ask for my forgiveness. 19 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
The title was found written in a concentration camp correct?
Masterpiece 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Yes exactly. I figured out the scale, is the other kid dropping a deuce? Why are his pants off? Why is the other kid smeared in chocolate while in the bathroom?
Masterpiece 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
What is happening in this picture?
Turn off your high beams 26 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Aww shucks. Lol.
Your answer was way more comprehensive and complete.
Turn off your high beams 26 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
OEM headlights have a specific dispersal pattern that aftermarket lights don't have. They claim more light and such but it's basically just high beams all the time. Especially the cheaper LED's, they just put super bright lights is reflectors with no thought to the dispersion pattern. Do some research on lights before you buy them, cheaper isn't always better.
Nature is beautiful 4 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
How does he shave?!
America is just for americans? 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I don't see anything wrong with that. What is America other than an amalgamation of the world's cultures coming together to enjoy freedoms not afforded in other parts of the world?
I just wish people would shut up and enjoy and appreciate what they have.
Fat shaming friday 10 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
My point being, society tends to be kinder to non-fat people. There are a lot of people who take the whole "be healthy" thing as an excuse to be mean to someone who is probably already struggling to get through life.