

— strongsad Report User
Driving into a warm lit tunnel on a cold winter day 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
And Dante saw the gates of hell. All hope abandon, ye who enter here.
Every f**king time 4 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
That is a monument to service dogs in Brooklyn, it's pretty shitty to be disrespecting it like that.
Flight delayed in Japan. Airline employees bow to the passengers to apologise 3 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
ANA did this right before they opened their ticket counters too so it's not just for apologizing.
Wonderful airline.
This sound brings me peace 1 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
That's the old door chime isn't it? I remember when they went from that buzzer to the singing sound. It sounded like the old department store chimes.
I got nothin 8 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Looks like a young Hugh Laurie.
True though 18 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Sorry, I just like to hear myself talk sometimes.
True though 18 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
True, but there are anorexic people who believe the same thing and they won't get the hate we get. They will be looked at as having a deeper mental issue that needs addressing where the fat person will be told they are just disgusting or lazy.
My point is that both are unhealthy, the whole world knows that. Obesity and anorexia and bulemia are signs of mental issues that I feel should be addressed with professional help. The problem I find is that an anorexic person is encouraged to seek help. They are told things like "I want to help", "you're not alone", "I'm here for you" where the overweight person is told to "put the ho-ho's down fatty" or "stop being lazy and walk around the block"
Can you see the difference? Virtually no one asks why the person over eats or is reluctant to go to a gym.
True though 18 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Holy crap...the whole fat acceptance thing is not about saying fat is healthy, it's about not marginalizing fat people. When we see someone who is anorexic we want to help them, but when we see an obese person we want to hurt them. We are called lazy, disgusting, gross, we should be ashamed of ourselves. We have our picture taken at the gym, we are laughed at if we buy a salad at the store, we are mocked if we try to run around the block or ride a bicycle.
But everyone is so worried about our health that they find it necessary to remind us of just how unwelcome we are in your society.
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
We used to have something like that. One of the ladder guys worked at Central dispatch and would call his buddies before toning out the call. He always wanted the ladder first due.
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Cheezus. Maybe you should write a movie. Scary shit.
Was it one Of those subscription type of departments?
Insta had me dead 23 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
My Chemical Addiction
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
My experience with a flashover is our gear turning red where it got hottest.
Forgive my hesitation for believing you, it just sounded like a movie script at first impression. I know the rural departments can be woefully under equipped and under funded.
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
What kind of department were you in? Why were you in a working structure alone? No backup line? What kind of gear did you have? Nomex doesn't melt or liquify... that's why we use it. It chars.
Nobody else wanted the knob? So the whole department was in on it? The pump operator just cut your line? He was in on it too? Was there no other apparatus there?
I'm sorry bud, I really don't like to call people out but this sounds pretty fishy.
Everyone will slowly turn into weebs 11 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I watched Love Live Sunshine once, it was great animation and a cute story line...why? If I watch Titans Attack or the one with the giant hamster something will change me? If it did, what business is it to anyone else?
I can't help but to believe this is one of those things that is hip to hate on. No real reason just hate it because everyone else does.
Everyone will slowly turn into weebs 11 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I don't understand the hate towards weebs and whatever else they are called. There are far worse things to be into. Seems pretty innocent to me, enjoying animation.
The first logo from 1984 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
1984? Really?
That's right, the commodore 64 was good at streaming movies.
Centaurette cosplay 22 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It is a good costume, I am curious about the mechanism for the back legs.
Centaurette cosplay 22 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
The long ribcage would have to be interrupted by an extra pelvis too.
Centaurette cosplay 22 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It bugs me that centaurs have 2 ribcages.
I hope this makes you smile 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
They hide 4 razor blades each. I have mixed feelings.
The United States of America, 2019 1 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
And here we see Americans waiting for coffee made of snow. There are no birds because they ate them all. The Americans eat snow and coffee provided by North Korea.
Really activates the almonds 22 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I always thought the disparity was cultural and not purely genetic...e.g. an African American adolescent being accused of being too "white" for doing well in school or the trope of the Asian schoolboy being chastised for bringing home a B+ grade.
Everyone, regardless of race, is capable of achieving great things or sinking to the bottom of the barrel, the difference being effort put in and support from peers and family.
Get your facts straight 10 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
What should an officer do when someone in not compliant? Ask pretty please? Give up before someone gets hurt? If you don't want to get hurt do what they say. Resisting arrest can do nothing good for anyone. Not complying is an incredibly stupid thing to do. Has it ever worked? I will venture a guess and say no.
Get your facts straight 10 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Well the dude on the left isn't actively being arrested, he is already in custody. Dude on right looks like he is resisting an active arrest.
Nah, can't be that....must be racism.
Get your facts straight 10 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Hey facts or common sense allowed in these types of post.