

— strongsad Report User
The real king! 5 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
And still has a master's degree in electrical engineering.
Not edgy or anything 14 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
I have had a different experience. I work hard and I am expected to take up the slack of my lazy co-workers. They do their job poorly and are in turn given the easier assignments. No attempts at re-educating them or holding them responsible for their performance.
Not edgy or anything 14 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Laziness and irresponsibility are rewarded and hard work is taken advantage of.
The 11 companies that own everything 12 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
That's double secret capitalism! We need communist socialism! Triggered!! Offended!! Trump's fault!!!!
Not complaining 2 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
She should have a chat with Brittany Morrow. Look her up if you're not familiar. Sobering story she has.
The world, according to aliens in movies 6 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Yeah, how dare we be primarily concerned with our own country. So selfish.
The 11 companies that own everything 12 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
This is downright silly. Coca-Cola owns Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Vanilla Coke...No shit.. I love how people try to stir up controversy out of nothing.
Oh-no! Heinz makes more than one food product!! Capitalism is sooo baddd!!!
Just casual Sunday family lunch 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It's not a phase mom!
Caption this ! 3 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Let off some steam Bennet.
Modern problems require modern solutions 10 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Are we not going to talk about how adults...the "responsible" ones, are doing childish crap like this? The behaviors leading to this?
We as a society are so fucked. I have lost all faith and hope in our public and our government. It makes me so sad.
Teeph 1 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Fark! Fark! Fork!
Life in the US 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Really? What a short-sighted immature thing to say.
Life in the US 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It's crazy... I've lived in America over 40 years and never got shot. None of my friends either. I even know people who own firearms and they never got shot or shot anyone. I owned guns and never shot anyone! Wowwee I must be some kind of anomaly.
Wolfs are cool 9 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
There wolf....there castle.
Elequid 8 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
What the hell. Is that arch made from? 3 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Hate to be that guy, but they are not the same arch.
Which do you choose ? 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
The one on the right.
What the actual hell? This is true 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
You've probably never seen a commercial for your local pizzeria either. Or any mom and pop store in your neighborhood. Commercials are expensive.
(Mis)fortune teller 1 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
This is from MAD magazine. Sergio Argones I believe.
Hope this catches on 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
That is also the US Marine Corps birthday. :)
Those damn millenials 8 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Maybe because many millennials act like 15 year olds.
My role models 4 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Ah thank you.
The show was well after my time but I heard of him here on FS. He seems to have been well loved. The only pictures I've seen of him are in costume, that's why I didn't recognize him. Lol
My role models 4 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Who is the Life guy?
I guess he changed his mind 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Tit-biscuit. I like it!
Elizabeth alexandra mary windsor 4 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Lol...the Queen is a badass.