

— strongsad Report User
Insert oof below 27 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
I don't assume Canadian or Mexican labor doesn't have the skill. Anyone can have skill and knowledge. I was merely trying to give a counterpoint to _guest's mention of using labor from other countries.
Why do you assume I meant otherwise? Why do people try to turn things into some kind of social issue? Why do people look for things to be offended by? When speaking of people having skill should I mention all races, countries, and genders? Why do I bother saying anything? Whatever.
Here, I'll say it for you. OK boomer.
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strongsad · 4 years ago
But what I come across are people who claim to be a carpenter or welder etc. And they are no more skilled than an apprentice.
One case in point, a coworker just passed his master electrician test and is licensed as such. He worked is butt off to learn everything he needed to learn. He has more work than he knows what to do with. He put in the effort, he did the work. It is paying off and his job will never be outsourced. He never sat down and whined about how it's too hard.
Insert oof below 27 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Sure any job can be outsourced, but an experienced electrician, a master carpenter, a master welder will always have a job. You can hire all the whoever labor you want but you still need the skill and knowledge to get the job done right. And with today's litigious society most companies want everything done correctly.
Also when you hire a tradesman from out of your area, service and repair becomes a real hassle. If you need electrical repairs done now you won't wait for a technician to drive down from Ottawa if you're in Delaware.
I understand what you are saying but from my experience, a skilled tradesman...who put effort into the job...will always have work.
· Edited 4 years ago
Fact fact 5 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
As a 44 year old man this still holds true.
Insert oof below 27 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Skilled trades can't be shipped overseas....but then again the job requires physical work and I know too many younger people who scoff at the idea of labor.
This is deep... And scary 12 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
How do you know the from reaper is male? It's just a cloaked figure.
Can a smart person let me know what Rick is saying? 10 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
The word they replaced in Rick's caption is slavery.
Tree light 9 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Then we will have to listen to jackasses go on about how GMO light isn't natural and causes autism.
Police forgets capsicum sprays are flammable 10 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
How about we don't do the things that make the hurty things come out?
6 years late. Just managed to finish watching this movie. Truly a masterpiece. One of the 5 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
There is a fan theory that this movie is a sequel to Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.
I can't think of any rhyme 7 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Tommy Hilfiger
This is the worst joke. But it's still funny 1 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Never again I will order furniture from china 6 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Or... don't expect a full size couch for 10 dollars.
Umm can we just go ahead and get married today 5 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
There was some quality father-son bonding time 7 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
I think it's fake. There seems to be zero blood at the wound.
I really would 4 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Can't outrun a radio.
Mind blown 2 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
And that's why Madagascar closes it's airports.
Why Boomers don't take us seriously 6 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Whatever you want to believe chief. Lmao
Why Boomers don't take us seriously 6 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Triggered! Hahahahaha
????Grandma got munched on by a t-rex, walking home from Hogwarts Labor day...???? 2 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
A T-Rex wearing sneakers no less.
Guess we will all die 8 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
It just seems wrong somehow to put a child into a political/scientific melee. I was wondering if anyone had insight as to why she would be tapped as the voice of climate change outrage...but please, don't let me stop you from jumping to conclusions.
Thank you @xvarnah for a rational post.
Guess we will all die 8 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
What makes her qualified to comment on global warming? Is she somehow more educated on it that the average layman?
And why isn't she in India or China where pollution seems to be much more of a problem?
I admit I don't keep up with yelling children but it all seems pretty hokey to me. She seems to be a pawn for some kind of political nonsense.
Oof... 20 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Hey folks! It's all whole point was that we probably don't know the entire story and I was just thinking of a valid reason to have the stairs removed.
Oof... 20 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Not saying I agree with the decision to tear it down but it was probably because they are responsible for any injury sustained on the stairs and they need to have an insured and bonded contractor build them.
If some Yahoo built the stairs wrong and resulted in injuries who would be responsible?
I know it is fun to hate unions, it's all the rage to do so but I don't think you can blame the unions on this.