

— strongsad Report User
I'm still laughing 7 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
I would say she left the dark meat sounds pretty dark to me. Lol
title 13 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Being a home maker is way tougher than my job, I for one have the utmost respect for someone who keeps the whole home running smooth.
title 13 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Or she enjoys home making as her "job" and he treats her respectfully and appreciates her efforts.
Just a small little puff of air 6 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
What the cinnamon toast frick is this? 7 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
The old texts.... hahaha. :)
Here are some games with great stories 12 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Fallout was pretty good too, no?
What the cinnamon toast frick is this? 7 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
That used to be a mental illness called Munchausen syndrome.
Could I boarrow some firewood? 2 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
That's that evil boar from Princess Mononoke!
Don't go with the humans, brother 3 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Birthday pup looks pretty happy...
Infuriating that this is true in so many levels 10 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
You can't say that! How would we make fun of America if things like that were true!
Joe mama 1 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Biggus Dickus has a wife you know...Incontinentia.
He is not holding anything, you are delusional 6 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
I don't understand... :(
He looks like he would work in Chernobyl or something.
None found so far 3 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
No mechanic found... probably because that looks like a Spud wrench used in ironworking.
Yeah, this post is shit 11 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
That is of course unless the horse...
thread 4 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
So our politicians are snarky wise asses now. Along with the people who report about them....and people can't understand why I want no part of it.
They way Jeep delivered their trucks in the 60's 4 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
From what I heard over the years...Jeep was a slang way of referring to the GP moniker these vehicles had. GP standing for general purpose. Also the Jeep was a character from the Popeye comics.
After the war the government was selling surplus Jeeps to the public and this is how they were delivered.
That was my understanding. I'm sure someone will correct me.
Blasting away! 15 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Wow...ok, that seems like a valid reason.
Blasting away! 15 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Why does everyone hate this girl?
Who ? 8 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Memes (cue 15 comments saying "memes" ) 8 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Progress 5 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Thanks! Where I am at with my weight it feels like I am constantly wearing restrictive clothing. Bending or raising my leg for a tall step has gotten difficult and I feel almost claustrophobic...if that makes sense.
D&D work 8 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Yeah maybe. I was just thinking out loud.
Progress 5 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
Inspiring. I just started what I hope to be my final attempt at weight loss. 6 months of doctor supervised diet and if that fails, surgery.
The doctor recommended gastric sleeve if I fail at the dieting.
D&D work 8 comments
strongsad · 4 years ago
That is pretty cool...they should keep unexplored dungeons covered so they don't know what to expect.