I would always be blue 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Cater for everyone?? Are you kidding me!!! There would be the whole freaking color wheel if they catered for everyone. They have 3 options. If you don't like the options, then it is always your right to leave.
taking a bath 19 comments
· 10 years ago
That means that she legitimately got out of the bath to put on a hoodie to basically call her friend an idiot for asking such a question. This is gold!!!!
When you come home after a really long trip 11 comments
Answer me 17 comments
Anyone else feel this way? 40 comments
· 10 years ago
I live where the breed is actually banned. You can't own them and if found, they will take the dog and murder it. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
Little has changed 1 comments
Hidden messages 14 comments
Eyebrows make a difference 8 comments
Rip phone 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Fun Nokia story. I dropped mine in the tolite once. Washed it off. Let it dry. Worked just fine.
Winter storm in Texas 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Does Texas not get national news? It's mentioned every year about black ice, snow storms, flooding due to extreme snow and then high temperature melting said snow. Now it's freezing that melted snow causing not only ice, but.... Wait for it... Black ice. Get out of your own world Texas.
Winter storm in Texas 30 comments
People need to realize this 14 comments
Public Service Message from MTV 18 comments
Shower time 21 comments
· 11 years ago
I love it when men smell like clean laundry or freshly showered. They should make men perfume that smells like those scents.
Black dragon fish 16 comments
· 11 years ago
I can't even express the amount of nope I'm feeling mixed with the thought of kill it with fire. This followed by... Does it live off the coast of Australia?
Admit something you have told no one else (only if you feel comfortable) 338 comments
· 11 years ago
I always want people to just know when I want them around and when I don't. I really want to put forth zero effort in relationships.
Admit something you have told no one else (only if you feel comfortable) 338 comments
· 11 years ago
I think your parents love that you haven't switched to mom and dad.
Edited 11 years ago