Cool ranch Jackpot! 1 comments
· 5 weeks ago
The Uber-Star Trek-Badge-Cool Ranch Dorito!
The girl next door 2 comments
My dad just found these WW1 pins, medals, and patches in my great grandfather’s items 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Caduceus is a symbol with a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wing. It’s upside down, too.
Some of the Vietnam M16 rifles were made by the toy company Mattel 19 comments
· 4 years ago
Nope. The handgrip of the M16 rifle was made by Mattel. When the gun was first introduced in Vietnam, it was notoriously unreliable. Soldiers noticed the toy company’s logo embossed on the handgrip and complained, "the rifle must be built by Mattel". Later shipments arrived without the imprint, but the grips were still manufactured by Mattel. See Snopes for the skinny.
X-Ray of a Human Swallowing 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Barium. That’s a video esophagram looking for dysphasia, or a swallowing disorder. If any liquid (barium) goes into the lungs, even trace amounts, it can lead to aspiration pneumonia. In the sick or elderly it can be serious; like dirt nap serious.
Maybe just one chip 6 comments